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Metulj Zablujena Generacija tabbed by Matic Toni matic.toni@siol.com This song was originaly done by Sank Rock.But I must say that Zablujena made it a whole better.It's very fun to play and I think this tab is almost perfect(cuz I made it :P)!!! was hard doin' this tab, but I made it trough.Anyway,have fun playing!!! intro thing: e---------------------------------------| B---------------------------------------| G---------------------------------------| <--- 6x D---------------------------------------| A----------5----------------------------| E--5-5-5-5---3--------------------------| Verse 1: F5 Mrak je C5 G5 v tisini sem nem F5 C5 G5 s tabo v zvezde strmim F5 C5 G5 roka boža roko F5 C5 G5 s tabo leteti zelim. Riff: [ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/z/zablujena-generacija/96192.html ] e---------------------------------------| B---------------------------------------| G---------------------------------------| <--- You must know that D---------------------------------------| Zablujena Generacija has A-3-7-5-7-3-0-2-3-0-2-3-----------------| two guitars.One plays E---------------------------------------| this riff and the other one plays F5,D5,C5!!!! Verse 2: F5 Tu sva C5 G5 priklenjena k tlom F5 C5 G5 le srca pobegnila sta F5 C5 G5 poljubim te na oci F5 C5 G5 dusi zlili sta se. Pre-Chorus: F5 D5 Vem da ne morem C5 a dvignil bi se u-u-u-u F5 D5 svoboden kot ptica C5 s tabo v nebo u-u-u-u F5 D5 C5 le s tabo letel bi letel. Chorus: A5 G5 C5 Rad bi bil metulj F5 da bi letel s teboj C5 G5 letel s teboj A5 G5 C5 Rad bi bil metulj F5 da bi letel s teboj C5 G5 letel s teboj. Verse 4: F5 Zelim si C5 G5 postati metulj F5 C5 G5 s tabo bi zvezde lovil F5 C5 G5 krila bi pisana imel F5 C5 G5 kot ti iz svile si vsa. with love, Matic ![]() |