Alrighty, this is a tab for Dare to be Stupid. This was just for fun.
Note: Most parts of the song are played using a keyboard. I just transcribed it to
guitar. If you'd like to play it on guitar, be my guest.
|--------------------------------------------------------------------| x3
enter band
|-------------------------| |-------------------------|
|-------------------------| |-------------------------|
|-9-9-7-7-----------------| |-------------------------|
|---------10-7-9----------|x3 and then |-12-11-9-12-11-9-11-12---|
|----------------7--------| |-------------------------|
|-------------------------| |-------------------------|
A variation of the enter band part:
|-------------------------| |-------------------------|
|-------------------------| |-------------------------|
|-9-9-9-9-x-x-x-x---------| |-------------------------|
|-9-9-9-9-x-x-x-x---------|x3 then |-12-11-9-12-11-9-11-12---|
|-7-7-7-7-x-x-x-x---------| |-------------------------|
|-------------------------| |-------------------------|
actually you might not need to mute, but that's just how I play it and its easier to play.
pre chorus
[ Tab from: ]
Guitar solo(ish)
When he says "it's like spitting on a fish"
"it's like I said you gotta buy one if you wanna get one free"
When he says "dare to be stupid, its so easy to do we're all waiting for you!" do this:
|---9----9---9----9-9-9-7-7-----------| x2
and for the instrumental do the enter band part again
And when he says "you can be a coffee achiever..."
do the verse again but when he says "What did I say?", do this:
|---9----9---9----9-9-9-7-7-----------| x11
and for the final part
this song was kind of hard to tab. Enjoy, and make the further adjustments if ever
thera are any mistakes.