13 Wunsche
We Butter The Bread With Butter
Tuning: B,F#,B,E,G#,C#
Whatever I tried using Guitar Pro to make it sound better and doing it by ear.
KeyBoard Rythem or Guitar 0:00
Bass Guitar 0:00
Rythem Guitar 0:14
.... .... ....
|-5555-5-5-5--0-0-7-7--5-5--5-5--4-4-4-4444-4-|| 2x
.... . . . ....
Rythem Guitar 0:34
. .
Lead Guitar 0:34
||------------------| 3x
Rythem Guitar 0:47
. . ........ . . ........ . . ......... . . . . .
. . ........ . . ........
. . ........ . . ........
KeyBoard Rythem or Guitar 0:47
[ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/w/we-butter-the-bread-with-butter/210890.html ]
Bass Guitar 1:02
Rythem Guitar 1:16
Rythem Guitar 1:22
........ ........ ........ ........
Rythem Guitar 1:36
Rythem Guitar 1:50
. . . . . . . . . .
Rythem Guitar 2:21
||-5(32x)-0(32x)-1(32x)-4(16x)-7(16x)-|| 2x
KeyBoard Rythem or Guitar 2:21