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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Turisas - Miklagard Overture chords

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d# C# d#
d# G#      d# C# d#
d# G#      C# C#sus2 C#
G#         C# C#sus2 C#
G#         A# G#/A# A#
d# C# d#

d#          C#          d#  C# d#    C#
Long have I drifted without a course
  F#   	      G#sus2	 A#
A rudderless ship I have sailed
    d#              C#          d#  C# F#    
The Nile just keeps flowing without a source
C#	      G#	   A#
Maybe all the seekers just failed?

   B    	d#
To Holmgard and beyond
B  Bsus2       d#
In search of a bond
C#	      C#7  F#
Far from home I've come
	B	 F	A#
But the road has just begun

Pre-Chorus Part 1
d#	  D#5 C#5 B
Breathing his tor y
d#	  D#5 C#5 B
Veiled in mys ter y
d#     B
The sublime

The greatest of our time

Pre-Chorus Part 2
F#	   C#/F	     d#
"Come with us to the south
	   G#/C		A#
Write your name on our roll"
A#    d# C# d#
I was told;

	 G# F# G#
Konstantino po lis
C#  G# F# G#
Sui ge ne ris
    C#	       F# F#sus2 F#
The saints and em pe     rors
C#			F# F#sus2 F#
Of bygone centuries  
	     C#			   d# d#sus2 d#
The man-made birds in their trees
Out load their paean rings
     G# G#sus2 G#	A#
Immorta li     ty!

In astonishing colours the East meets the West
The hill-banks arise in their green
In wonder I sit on my empty chest
As we glide down the strait in between

To Holmgard and beyond
In search of a bond
Distant church bells toll
For their god they chant and troll

[ Tab from: ]
Pre-Chorus 1
Breathing history
Veiled in mystery
The sublime
The greatest of our time

Pre-Chorus 2
The Norwegian of rank
In the court of The Prince
I was convinced

Chorus (different than the first one!)
	 G# F# G#
Konstantino po lis
    C#        G#  F# G#
Ten gates to eter ni ty
     C#	      F# F#sus2 F#
Seen all for cen tu     ries
       B		   F# F#sus2 F#
Your inconquerable walls
     	      B       b/A
Your temples and your halls
b/G	 b/F#	   B/e      F#	
See all, hear all, know it all

B       A
e	G  A
B       A
e    A    G

B  e    B  F
B  e    B  F

B C# d# F

Choir Part
A#  (to much sus2 and sus4 to write down, just play around a bit)
C   (same here)

Electric Violin and Bass Solo "Jazz" Part missing.
basic key is D# major
and a lot of blue notes!

My sun rose in the North and now sets in the South
The Golden Horn lives up to its name
From tower to tower a chain guards its mouth
Unbreakable, they claim

To Holmgard and beyond
In a search of a bond
Adventures lie ahead
Many knots lie unravelled on my thread

Pre-Chorus Part 1
Breathing history
Veiled in mystery
The sublime
The greatest of our time


Chorus (completely different than the first and second)
	 G  gsus2 G
Konstantino po    lis
c/g	     G    gsus2  G
Queen of the ci - i      ties
     c/g	G
Your welcoming smile
     c/g      G
Made all worthwhile
The sweat and the pain

d#	   B
Bathing in gold
    d#             B
Endless rooftops unfold
    F#  C#/F        d#            G#/C  A#
The sun sets for a while just to rise again

d#     G#
Great halls
d#     G#
Great halls
d#  G#   F#      A#   d#
Greatest of all, Miklagard

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