Tina Dico - Sacre Coeur
Tuning is G#D#G#C#D#G# which is DADGAD with Capo at 6th fret (sometimes she also plays
it at 7th
fret). There are different versions of this song played live. Would have never figured
it out if
there weren�t a version available where she tunes her guitar.
Chords (nevermind their names, they�re more or less randomly just to give them a name).
Note the
muted strings (x) for strummed chords.
E* x12000 Ab5 000200
Gb* x32000 Ab7sus4 x30000
Abm* x53000 Emaj7(no5) x10x00
Abm*/G# 053000 DbmAdd9 x10000
Abm*/C# 553000 Ebsus4 002x00
Amaj7(b5) x60000
Absus4 x50000 (sometimes maybe 550000)
This is the general picking during the verses:
p p p p
|--0------0~----0|--0------0~----0| h = hammer on
|---0-------0--0-|---0-------0--0-| p = pull off
|----20~-----20--|----30~-----30--| ~ = let ring
E* Gb* Abm*
Note that within this tab each column or character represents a 16th note to give you
the rythm and
that for example "20~" along with the "p" means to hit the 2 for one 16th, then pull off
to 0 and
let it ring for additional two 16th.
This progression is varied from time to time, for example to something like this:
p p p p p p p p
|----------------|----------------| |----------------|----------------|
|--0------0~----0|---------0~----0| |---------0~----0|---------------0|
|---0-------0--0-|-----------0--0-| or this |-----------0--0-|--------------0-|
|----20~-----20--|----30~-----30--| |----20~-----20--|----30~-----30--|
|1~-----3~-------|5~5~---5~-------| |1~~----3~-------|5~5~---5~5~5----|
|----------------|----------------| |----------------|----------------|
E* Gb* Abm* E* Gb* Abm*
or this:
p p p pp p p p p
|----------------|----------------| |----------------|----------------|
|--0------0~----0|--0------0~-----| |--0------0~----0|--0------0~-----|
|---0-------0--0-|---0-------0----| or this |---0-------0--0-|---0-------0----|
|----20~-----20--|----30~-----320~| |----20~-----20--|----30~-----30--|
|1~-----3~-------|5~-----5~-------| |1~-----3~-------|5~-----5~-----5~|
|----------------|----------------| |----------------|----------------|
E* Gb* Abm* E* Gb* Abm*
You can also play other combinations of these pattern. Just get the rythm and play with it.
Sometimes (2. verse) she hits the empty lowest (6th) string hard with her thumb along
the first "5~"
in this pattern to give it an accent:
p p p p
E* Gb* Abm*/G#
Or reduce this pattern to single bass notes on 4th and 5th string (3. verse).
If you can sing like her you can also just stop playing guitar at all and just sing ;-)
At the beginning or in some versions, where she does a short break between
the verses, at the beginning of each verse she hammers on the first note:
<------------- verse 1 -----------------><---------------------- verse 2 ----------------------->
h p p h p p p
E* Gb* Abm* E* Gb* Abm*
Without the break it can look like this:
<-------------- verse 1 -----------------><------------- verse 2 -------------->
h p p p p h p p p p
E* Gb* Abm* E* Gb* Abm*
The last time time she plays this pattern before the refrain she uses a C# as a bass note:
p p p
E* Gb* Abm*/C#
[ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/t/tina-dico/306357.html ]
For the refrain there are two different versions as it can be picked or strummed. Let�s
deal with
the picked version first. It is build around the same chords just in another order.
p p pp p p p pp p
|----------------|----------------| |----------------|----------------|
|--0------0~----0|--0------0~----0| |--0------0~-----|--0------0~-----|
|---0-------0--0-|---0-------0--0-| or |---0-------0----|---0-------0----|
|----30~-----20--|----320-----20--| |----30~-----20--|----320-----20--|
|5~-----3~-------|1~~----3~-------| |5~-----3~-----3~|1~~----3~-----3~|
|----------------|----------------| |----------------|----------------|
Abm* Gb* E* Gb* Abm* Gb* E* Gb*
Both variants are interchangeble, so you might also play the first bar of the first
version with the
second bar of the second version and vice versa.
This pattern is played twice until "haunted" and then it continuous with:
pp p p p p <--- strum -|
E* Gb* Abm* E* Gb* Ab5
In the last measure and on the "coeur" she starts to strum the bridge with the chord
progression of
Ab5 - Ab7sus4 - Emaj7(no5) - Ab7sus4 - Ab5 - Ab7sus4 - Emaj7(no5)
Listen to the song to get the rythm. The strummed version of the refrain is played like
this as
well. See below in the complete song for the strummed refrain.
As outro she plays this pattern repeatedly.
|--0-------------| s = slide
No here�s the complete song:
Intro (picked)
E* Gb* Abm* (repeat several times with different patterns)
Verses 1+2
E* Gb* Abm*
Poison racing through my veins
E* Gb* Abm*
A sordid pull to the insane
E* Gb* Abm*
A constant gravity to change
E* Gb* Abm*
And I don't know where to go
E* Gb* Abm*
Paris breaths beneath my feet
E* Gb* Abm*
Thirsty skin against concrete
E* Gb* Abm*
My sacred heart misleading me
E* Gb* Abm*
And I don't know where to go
E* Gb* Abm*/C#
No, I don't know where to go
Refrain (picked or a capella)
Abm* Gb*
I could go home to my love
E* Gb*
And live the life I've always wanted
Abm* Gb*
Or I could go on running off
E* Gb*
Into the night, lonely and haunted
E* Gb*
And the strange thing is
Abm* E*
I don't know which I prefer
Gb* Ab5
As I sit here and watch the sun set on Sacre Coeur
*Bridge* -strummed-
Ab5 - Ab7sus4 - DbmAdd9 - Ab7sus4
Ab5 - Ab7sus4 - DbmAdd9
Verse 3 -picked-
E* Gb* Abm*
Paris falls under my eyes
E* Gb* Abm*
History against one life
E* Gb* Abm*
My sacred heart's on no-one's side
E* Gb* Abm*
And I don't know where to go
E* Gb* Abm*/C#
No, I don't know where to go
Refrain -strummed-
Ab5 Ab7sus4
I could go home to my love
Emaj7(no5) Ab7sus4
And live the life I've always wanted
Ab5 Ab7sus4
Or I could go on running off
Emaj7(no5) Ab7sus4
Into the night, lonely and haunted
Emaj7(no5) Ab7sus4
And the strange thing is
Absus4 Emaj7(no5)
I don't know which I prefer
As I sit here and watch the sun set
Ebsus4 Emaj7(no5)
As I sit here and watch the sun set
As I sit here and watch the sun...
Ebsus4 Emaj7(no5) Ab7sus4 Ebsus4 DbmAdd9
Ooooohho Ohooo...
Ab5 Ab7sus4
I could go home to my love
Emaj7(no5) Ab7sus4
And live the life I've always wanted
Ab5 Ab7sus4
Or I could go on running off
Emaj7(no5) Ab7sus4
Into the night, lonely and haunted
Ab5 Ab7sus4
I could go home to my love
Emaj7(no5) Ab7sus4 => switch to bass note picking
It's all there if I want it
Emaj7(no5) Ab7sus4
But the sad thing is
Absus4 Emaj7(no5)
I don't know which I prefer
Ab7sus4 Abm* (refrain picking)
As I sit here and watch the sun set on Sacre Coeur
Gb* E* Gb* Abm* Gb* E* Gb*
oooohhhooo ohhooohooohh
Abm* Gb* E* Gb*
Yeahhh.... *Didndai*
Abm* Gb* E* Gb*
- Outro -
Tabbed in January 2012. Hope you enjoy it. Joern
Send any corrections or comments to: MCWZQQGXYUHK@spammotel.com