/ Tina Dico / I always move into a wonderfully melancholic
/ Back Where We Started / trance when listening to this beautiful song.
/ Far /
The Tuning:
This song is in a special tuning, and I'm sure I haven't found the right one
yet! What I have so far is the tuning (C# G# C# F# G# D#). It works just fine
and you can reach all the notes - it just doesn't feel very Tina Dickow-ish.
If you know the correct one, please let me know! :)
At first this tuning seems very complex, so let's break it down:
Starting from your standard tuning (E A D G B E), tune the low E down to a D and
the B down to an A, which gives you (D A D G A E). And from there you just have
to drop all strings one semi-tone, which gives you the (C# G# C# F# G# D#).
The second step is not important - you can play it just as well by only doing
the first step. If you want to play along to the album version, however, you
have to tune the guitar all the way.
*This note is slided down, but since you can't slide down from an open string,
there's gotta be another way of playing this - and that's not in this tuning :/
[ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/t/tina-dico/228196.html ]
Da Capo (Repeat it from the top; then move on.)
Piano enters:
Chorus: Similar to previous; just cut the last line.
It's cold when it's October here
so I guess I won't see you at my birthday this year
and who'd have thought a love like that
would wither and wash out as winter pulls near
I'm not gonna cry about it, no
I'm just gonna lie about it
your laughter filling my sails
As in fall the golden leaf must give in to the winds
Tthis here tale of love is somehow meant to end where it begins
Back where we started
Back where we started
and why don't we just leave it
Not broken hearted
Just back where we started
and why don't we just leave it at that, leave it at that ...
The summer asked no questions
and the wind found no excuse to abridge our story over
And nature is a faithless friend
and counting on her favours will make you sorry
I'm not gonna cry about you
it's not like I'll die without you
your laughter filling my sails
As in fall the golden leaf must give in to the winds
This here tale of love is somehow meant to end where it begins
Back where we started
Back where we started
and why don't we just leave it
Not broken hearted
Just back where we started
and why don't we just leave it at that, leave it at that ...
Jon Sebastian Frederiksen - 10th /June /10
Just mail me at Maitinin@gmail.com with questions, comments and corrections!