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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Tim Knol - Clean Up chords

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Tim Knol the great young dutch musican. Clean Up is the opening track from his 
debut album "Tim Knol". It's great, he's great!
Well, you should listen to the track to get the rythem.


D:     xx0232
Am:    x02210
G:     320033
Cadd9: x32033

D Am - D Am - D Am - G

D            Am
Let's take another road
You don't have to pay for your past mistakes
D          Am
Well maybe not today
Cause you know everyday can be your last

D               Am
Outside there's freedom
Here you are stuck on the ground
D            Am
Clean up the mess you made
Here you are stuck on the ground

D Am - D Am
[ Tab from: ]
D                Am
Lean against the problems you have, but
Think about them later, no need to fix them now
D               Am
Like to see you up again
I want to help, but you got to let me in

D               Am
Outside there's freedom
Here you are stuck on the ground
D            Am
Clean up the mess you made
G                                C6
Here you are stuck on the ground

G D D Am - G D D Am - G D D Am - G

D Am - G

D               Am
Outside there's freedom
Here you are stuck on the ground
D            Am
Clean up the mess you made
Here you are stuck on the ground

D               Am
Outside there's freedom
Here you are stuck on the ground
D            Am
Clean up the mess you made
Here you are stuck on the ground

D Am - D Am - D Am - D Am - D Am
Ow...stuck on the ground

G D D Am - G D

Hope you'll enjoy it.
Related for Clean Up chords