Guitaretab - guitar tabs
Song name
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Thompson Twins - Hold Me Now chords

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I took my foundation from a tabber, Kyle Beiter, and wanted to make some fixes, as 
well as some notes that will improve it.  Enjoy!
- Sean

Verses:  D, Bm, C, A (sometimes A-minor depending on the vocals)
Chorus:  D, Bm, C, A
Bridge:  Bb, C X4

Some notes if you care to know more:

- The introduction uses root barre chords... for example, D is played on the 10th 
fret as a barre chord, Bm on the 7th fret, C on the 8th, and A on the 5th.

-I should be better than this... but I just can't tell what A they are using in 
the verses.  Clearly in the chorus they are using an A major, however, sometimes I 
feel like in parts of the song they are using A minor.  (For example, listen to 
the progression beginning at 0:18- 0:32  (right at :31 I swear it's A minor)

-check out the bass tabs, they're fun for this song if you're a beginning bass player

Here is a copy of Kyle's tab, if you want to see lyrics, but remember, the G is 
actually a C chord, and the bridge uses Bb and C chords.  Cheers!

{Taken From: (Kyle Beiter)}

I have a picture

Pinned to my wall

     C                                              A
An image of you and of me and we're laughing we're loving it all
[ Tab from: ]
Look at our life now

It's tattered and torn

    G                                                  A
We fuss and we fight and delight in the tears that we cry until dawn


Oh hold me now

Warm my heart

Stay with me

let loving start  let loving start

You say I'm a dreamer

We're two of a kind

G                                                    A
Both of us searching for some perfect world we know we'll never find

So perhaps I should leave here

Yeah run far away

        G                                                       A
But you know that there's no where that I'd rather be than with you here today

Chorus x 2

You ask if i love you

and what can I say

     G                                                 A
you know that i do and that this is just one of those games that we play

so i'll sing you a new song

please don't cry any more

and then i'll ask your forgiveness thouyg I don't know just what i'm asking
it for

chorus to fade
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