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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

The Veils - Valleys Of New Orleans tab

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Its a piano song, but with guitar its very beautiful either.

Intro C F F CF

C                           F                         F CF
Someday the walls will tremble with terrible flames here
C                              F                  F C F
�Til the mouth of some hurricane sweeps them away
C                                 F                      F CF
And If I had either love or fortune I�d shed them both here
C                                  F                   F CF
But those cards are so rarely played I�ve hid them away

F                         C
The valleys of New Orleans
F                         C
The valleys of New Orleans
[ Tab from: ]
Oh Stanley I�ve heard you laughing your way around here
There�s a game that I wish to play, so slow down
I found another in Sidneys� pocket, she knows my name
C                                F                          
And she says she wants to drive all night in the dark through all

F                         C
The valleys of New Orleans
F                         C
The valleys of New Orleans

Sidney says God is watching so don�t fear now
She says he�s bound to come, give him time
Her mouth is the taste of sea salt and saddled rum
C                              F                    
She speaks in a vagrant language I�d heard once in a film about

F                         C
The valleys of New Orleans
F                         C
The valleys of New Orleans
F                         C
The valleys of New Orleans
F                         C
The valleys of New Orleans

Beautiful song, very simple to play, but also ver very beautiful!! Willem
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