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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

The Story So Far - May chords

Highlighted       Show chord diagrams
 Am    C      F 

[Am x6, C x2, F x8] x2

[ Tab from: ]
Am                                                C      F
Might as well pack up all your stuff and move into my head
Am                                               C                  F
I wish I could dispose of all these thoughts and just be numb instead
Am                                                      C                F
I wish you'd stop running from your problems and run to me instead
Am                                              C                      F
Black and blue, eyes bloodshot red while she's passed out out in her bed

Am                        C   F
        This song is for William
Am                        C   F
        This song is for William

Am                                                      C                     F
Maybe I can make you change your decision by using all the ink in this pen
Am                                                      C                     F
Maybe I can make you change your decision by using all the ink in this pen
Am                 C         F
Maybe I can change you
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