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LEAVE TO WONDER [Em][G][D][Hm] [Em][G][D][Hm] The thought is m[Em]ine I wish I w[G]as - I wish I w[D]as [Hm]more outspoken[Em] If I could sp[G]eak for myself Write a l[D]etter [Hm]It would be a poem[Em] Now I'm st[G]anding in the sh[D]adow Of th[Hm]ose who stand in the light[Em] I've no regr[G]ets It makes no s[D]ense [Hm]Anymore [Em]Princess[G] Angel of d[D]arkness I'm g[Hm]uilty [Em]Princ[G]ess Angel of d[D]arkness [Hm]Pray for me[Em] I wish I w[G]as I wish I w[D]as [Hm]On the beat of the heart[Em] I'm not afr[G]aid It makes no s[D]ense [Hm]Anymore [Em][D][A][Em] I was st|anding By the c[D]ash machine And it's m[A]y card You hear it's ch[Em]ewing And a b|omb goes off At the opposite c[D]orner By the T[A]ower And it's the r[Em]ush hour I had no l[Am]uck I wish I [C]was I wish I [G]was [Em]More outspoken [Am]Now I'm st[C]anding In the sh[G]adow Of th[Em]ose who stand In the l|ight [ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/t/the-september-when/186068.html ] [D][A][Em] I heard l|ater Some were cr[D]ushed by the crowd I heard l[A]ater As I was waiting f[Em]or her And the m|ountain shook And the mountain sh[D]ivered It was p[A]ower It was the f[Em]inal hour [Am]I had no l[C]uck I wish I [G]was I wish I w[Em]as On the beat of the heart [Am]Now I'm st[C]anding In the sh[G]adow Of th[Em]ose who stand In the light[Am] Princess My Pr[C]incess I will g[G]et to you By the h[Em]our [A]I pretend it's now f[D]orgotten [Hm]It's so easy t[E]o forget And I'm w[D]aiting for the sun to kiss the s[Hm]ea That's what I want in f[E]ront of me Yeah w[D]hat I want in front of me[Hm] Is the image of something g[E]ood And I h[D]ate to be interrupted[Hm] In the middle of someth[E]ing good Leave to w[A]onder [D]The sc[A]ent of the word[D] So much that y[A]ou haven't seen or heard[D] Leave to w[A]onder [D]I've been up all m[A]orning [D]I've been up all m[A]orning [D]Have you seen my b[A]aby girl Have you s[D]een her Have you seen my b[A]aby girl Have you s[D]een her Have you seen her Have you s[A]een her [D]Been up all morning [A][D][A][D][A] www.ogregod.com ![]() |