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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

The Maine - These Four Words chords

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Intro: D# G Cm A# G# D#

(Verse I)
D#            G        Cm
I really should just go home

Cm   A#   G#       D#
And play with myself

            G         Cm
Better that than stay

Cm   A#  G#        D#   
And do something else

D#                   G                        Cm
Cause we can't be friends that much I know

  Cm  A#  G#   D#
I wish it wasn't so

D#                         G                      Cm
 And I can't take my heart someplace it won't go
[ Tab from: ]
Cm     A# G#     D#
Show me to the door

Cm         A#                  G#
As if a place crash were timely

Cm                  A#             G#
There's no good time for bad news

Cm             A#                  G#
These four words don't come easy

G#  Cm    A#   D#
"I don't love you"

(Same as Verse I)
Listen to your friends & leave me alone
I'm just a boy
I'm drunk, I'm 24
I don't want to hurt you anymore
Don't waste your tears on me now pretty girl
When I hate myself for letting you go
You can be the one to say "I told you so"

(Same as chorus)
As if a place crash were timely
There's no good time for bad news
These four words don't come easy
"I don't love you"
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