Guitaretab - guitar tabs
Song name
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Testament - Signs Of Chaos tab


>From the album "The Ritual" (1992)

Originally transcribed by Dave Whitehill, Jesse Gress and Andy Robyns

Computer transcribtion by Juhani Moilanen

Tune down half step

			     E lydian dominant	
					    b+1            b+1          b+1

            b+1            b+1           b+1             b+� release  ph~~~~~~~

           b+1           b+1            b+1
[ Tab from: ]
  b+1  release                  ~~~~~~~~~           b+1                    b+1

   b+2 release     b+1 ~~~~~~~~                                           b+�release

                        *(bend both notes
                         half step)

  b+�release            b+�         b+�~~~~~~~~           E half/whole diminished

												      gradual dive w/bar
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