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Switchfoot - Life And Love And Why chords

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Life And Love And Why by Switchfoot

 D         A       G
Life and love and why
  D       A        G
Child, adult, then die
All of your hoping
 A                              G
And all of your searching  For what?
  D                    A
Ask me for what am I living
Or what gives me strength
                  D  A   G
That I'm willing to die for

 D     A       G        D     A       G
Take away from me,     This monstrosity
'Cause my futile thinking's
      A                     G         
Not gonna solve nothing tonight
  D                     A       
Ask me for what am I living
Or what gives me strength
                  D  A   G     
That I'm willing to die for
[ Tab from: ]
             D                      A
Could it be this,    Could this be bliss
             Bm                   G
Could it be all that I ever had missed
              D                  A
Could it be true,    Can life be new
               Bm              G
And can I be used,   Can I be used
            D          A
Give me a reason For life and for death        
    Bm                         G
A reason for drowning While I hold my breath
    D                        A
Something to laugh at,  A reason to cry
         Bm                      G   
With everyone hopeless,   And hoping for something
       D        A                   Bm   G
To hope for,   Yeah,  something to hope for

             D                   A
Could it be true,    Can life be new
             Bm                  G
Could it be all that I am Is in You
             D                  A
Could it be this,  Could it be bliss
           Bm               G
Can it be You,    Can it be You

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