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Sugar - Changes tab

#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #
From: (Arnold Bennett)

The Artist:	Sugar
The Song:	Changes -- off of copper blue


e|:---7-8-7-7---7---7---7-------:|	(2 times)

A		 C		  E  D  C  G
I want something like I remember
A	    		  C		E D C G
And I want something that lasts forever
A		C		   E D C G
I remember the times you said that you'd be true to me.
A		F		  |: E D C G :| (3 times)  A C
Look at how the weathers changing

[ Tab from: ]
I'm accustomed to your deception
comes the rule with no exception
and ive been dragged across the river
running far and wide
come and see how I feel inside

(1:19 on CD)

(A) for two measures

E		B
Changes for the better
F#		D
Changes for the worst
A	     E		F# (palm muted)
Changes with summer and fall
E	    B
now youre a stranger
F#	      D
spare me some change
   D A         B	 E       F#
so I can find someone to call my own

Now that winter has fallen upon us
i need something that's warm and honest
and if i found someone who thinks
that they'll be true to me
i really wouldn't want to change it

I have seen I have seen
what these changes mean to me
If you're thinking of staying with me
we need to agree
we need to make some changes
we need what we need
i need you do you need me?

 - M.B.
- 	Life is the crummiest book I ever read,
	There isn't a hook, just a lot of cheap shots  - BAD RELIGION
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