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Stephen Lynch - Fishin Hole tab

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G			          Am(7)	
Wanna have some quality time with my son
C				                                   G
So  I brought him down to the fishin� hole
G			                                              Am(7)
Didn�t like the feelin of that worm in his hand
C			                                 D
Got mad, threw down his fishin pole
[ Tab from: ]
G			                                               Am(7)
Said that�s all right son lets go and get an ice cream
C		                                  G
Let your old man buy you a treat
G			                                                  Am(7)
But he didn�t like no flavors up upon that wall
C		                                        D
Started crying and ran into the street

G		                   B
He�s an a**hole, my kids an a**hole
C				                      G
I swear he just don�t float my boat
G		           B
Always crying, always crying, 
C					                                G
made me wanna punch him in his little throat

(that's basically the entire song, and the at the very end...)

C			              G
I�m on a real a**hole streak
C			                       G
I could open an a**hole boutique
C				                          G
I think this song has reached its peak
C					                          G
Goodbye you a**holes, see you next week
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