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Stephen Lynch - Almighty Malachi Professional Bowling God tab

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            A l m i g h t y   M a l a c h i ,   P r o f e s s i o n a l
                              B o w l i n g   G o d
                            S T E P H E N   L Y N C H

   +--------------------------PLEASE NOTE--------------------------+
   + This file is Jordan Lapping�s own work and represents his     +
   + interpretation of the song. You may only use this file for    +
   + private study, scholarship, or research. The contents may not +
   + be duplicated for use with other websites without written     +
   + permission. Thank you for understanding. Enjoy.               +

Tabbed by Jordan Lapping

Standard E Tuning

    A#   C    D  Dsus2  F    G

Dsus2 - A# (x4)

Dsus2 A# Dsus2    A#      Dsus2  A#   Dsus2  A#
Yooouuuu watch me on your T.V.
Dsus2 A# Dsus2    A#    Dsus2  A#   Dsus2  A#
Saaaying that my job is easy
Dsus2 A# Dsus2 A#     Dsus2  A#   Dsus2   A#
Saaaying I am not athletic
Dsus2 A# Dsus2      A#        Dsus2  A#   Dsus2  A#
Yooouuuu think my sport's pathetic
 G                                                          Dsus2 A#
But you can't judge me 'till you walked a mile in my bowling... shoes

Dsus2 - A# (x3)

Dsus2 A#   Dsus2     A#       Dsus2  A#   Dsus2  A#
Sooooooo I don't get all the ladies
Dsus2 A#     Dsus2       A#      Dsus2  A#   Dsus2  A#
Aaaannnd my clothes are from the 80's
Dsus2 A# Dsus2        A#       Dsus2  A#   Dsus2  A#
I'mmmmmm known throughout the vallies
As the prophet of the alleys

 C        G               C            G              C
And as I roll the ball I cry, "Let me bowl or let me die!"
       G         D         F       C
I'm Almighty Malachi, the Bowling God
              G             C                G                C
The smell of rosin gets my high, kiss those fucking pins goodbye!
       G         D         F                      Dsus2 A#
I'm Almighty Malachi, the Bowling, the Bowling... God

Dsus2 - A# (x4)

[ Tab from: ]
Dsus2 A#   Dsus2         A#       Dsus2      A#   Dsus2   A#
Goooooot a ball that's smooth and all black
  Dsus2 A#    Dsus2  A#        Dsus2    A#   Dsus2  A#
I keeeeeep it in my favourite ball-sack
  Dsus2 A#    Dsus2  A#    Dsus2    A#   Dsus2  A#
I geeeeeet a feeling in my soul
As I finger every hole...

 C        G               C            G              C
And as I roll the ball I cry, "Let me bowl or let me die!"
       G         D         F       C
I'm Almighty Malachi, the Bowling God
              G             C                G                C
The smell of rosin gets my high, kiss those fucking pins goodbye!
       G         D         F
I'm Almighty Malachi, the Bowling, the Bowling...

Dsus2         A#             Dsus2          A#
Not a single man will try to beat Almighty Malachi
Dsus2             A#           Dsus2                 A#
All who challenge me are slain - "Come on, fuckers, pick a lane!"
Dsus2             A#           Dsus2            A#
Marshall Holman, Gary Dickens; get in line for your ass kickins'
Dsus2       A#             Dsus2            A#
John Petraglia, Norm Duke; your so lame it makes me puke
Dsus2          A#             Dsus2              A#
Who among the pro-bowl sector dares to don his wrist protector?
Dsus2            A#            Dsus2               A#
Not that pussy, Nelson Burton; tells me that his wrist is hurtin'
 Dsus2                 A#                        Dsus2              A#
"Hey, Mark Roth, hey, Earl 'The Pearl', are you scared to give the ball a hurl?"
    Dsus2                     A#                 Dsus2                       A#
How about 'Dickie' Weber and his son, Pete? I'll turn the motherfuckers to cream of wheat!

 C        G               C            G              C
And as I roll the ball I cry, "Let me bowl or let me die!"
       G         D         F       C
I'm Almighty Malachi, the Bowling God
              G             C                G                C
The smell of rosin gets my high, kiss those fucking pins goodbye!
       G         D         F
I'm Almighty Malachi, the Bowling
             C    G    C    G    C   G   D    F            C
The Bowling Goooooooooood! Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaah! The Bowling... God


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