Guitaretab - guitar tabs
Song name
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Smashing Pumpkins - Siva tab

                       S M A S H I N G   P U M P K I N S


                                    S I V A

                    (c) Virgin Records (1991) [2011 Reissue]

                                Standard Tuning
                                  E A D G B E

                                 Tempo = 105 BPM
                              Time Signature = 4/4

                                 Transcribed by

                                 PADDY MCMULLAN
                           pmtabs (@t) gmail [dot] com

                                  Version 1.0
                                 8th April 2012

                             Tablature Symbols Used:

 (/)       -  Legato Slide (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 \         -  Slide Down to/Down From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 /         -  Slide Up To/Up From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 ( )       -  Ghost Note/Tied Note/Implied Note
 x         -  Muted Note/Dead Note
 15b17     -  Bend Note
 17r15     -  Release Bent Note
 5h7       -  Hammer-on
 7p5       -  Pull-off
 <5>       -  Pinch-harmonic/Artificial Harmonic
 v         -  Up Stroke/Strum Up (From high to low strings)
 ^         -  Down Stroke/Strum down (From low to high strings)
 1,2,3     -  Bar Numbers (Repeats are taken into account)
 |__[1]    -  Alternative Endings
 P.M....   -  Palm Mute

Part 1: Guitars 1 & 2 with Overdriven Tone                [ Time 00:00 - 00:36 ]

Guitar 1: [ Left Channel ]

  1,2,3                              * 3/4 bend
||--------------------------------------------| |
||--------------------------------------------| |
||-----------------------------------*--------|*| x 3
||-(12h14)--14-14--14-12--14--14-(14b16r14)---| |
||--0-------0--0---0--0---0---0---0-----------| |

|------------------------9--9\ 7------||
|--(12h14)--14-14--- \---9--9\ 7--0-0-||
|---0-------0--0-------0-7--7\ 5--0-0-||

(Full band enters)

||--------------------------------------------| |
||--------------------------------------------| |
||-----------------------------------*--------|*| x 3
||-(12h14)--14-14-14--12--14--14-(14b16r14)---| |
||--0-------0--0--0---0---0---0---0-----------| |

Note the slight variation in the duration of the third "14" note.

|------------------------9--9\ 7------||
|--(12h14)--14-14--- \---9--9\ 7--0-0-||
|---0-------0--0-------0-7--7\ 5--0-0-||

  9(13)                              * 3/4 bend
    "I spin off and lose my head"

|--(12h14)-14-14-14--14-12--14--14-14---14-| (Note the lack of a bend)
    "Throwing straight spark instead"

 11(15)                             * 3/4 bend
   "Gather strength down in my hands"

|---------------------------------------| |
|---------------------------------------| |
|--------------------------5--5/ 7------|*| x 2
|--(12h14)-14-14-14--- \---5--5/ 7--0-0-| |
|---0------0--0--0-------0-3--3/ 5--0-0-| |
   "And dig it in the world I peel"

Guitar 2: [ Right Channel ]

  1               2,3
||--------------||--------------------------------| |
||--R--       --||--------------------------------| |
||--E--       --||--------------------------------|*|
||--S--       --||--------------------------------|*| x 2
||--T--       --||-(5h7)-7-7--7-5--7--7-(7b9r7)---| |
||--------------||--0----0-0--0-0--0--0-0---------| |

|------------------9--9\ 7------||
|--(5h7)--7-7------9--9\ 7--0-0-||
|---0-----0-0----0-7--7\ 5--0-0-||

(Full band enters)

||--------------------------------| |
||--------------------------------| |
||--------------------------------|*| x 3
||-(5h7)-7-7-7--5--7--7-(7b9r7)---| |
||--0----0-0-0--0--0--0-0---------| |

Note the slight variation in the duration of the third "14" note.

|------------------9--9\ 7------||
|--(5h7)--7-7------9--9\ 7--0-0-||
|---0-----0-0----0-7--7\ 5--0-0-||

  9(13)                              10(14)

 11(15)                             12(16)
|----------------------------------|-------------------------------| |
|----------------------------------|-------------------------------| |
|----------------------------------|------------------5--5/ 7------|*| x 2
|-(5h7)-7-7-7--7-5--7--7-(7b9r7)---|-(5h7)-7-7-7------5--5/ 7--0-0-| |
|--0----0-0-0--0-0--0--0--0--------|--0----0-0-0----0-3--3/ 5--0-0-| |

Part 2: Guitars 1, 2 & 3                                  [ Time 00:36 - 00:53 ]

Guitars 1 & 2:

||-------6------5--5/ 7--0-0-|-------6------9--9/ 7--0-0-|
||-------7------5--5/ 7------|-------7------9--9/ 7------|
||--0---------0-3--3/ 5------|--0---------0-7--7/ 5------|

                                                   * 1/4 bend
|-------6------5--5/ 7--0-0-|--6----6----6----6----6---6---|
|-------7------5--5/ 7------|--7--7-7--7-7--7-7--7-7---7---|
|--0---------0-3--3/ 5------|----------0---------0---------|

|-------x-------5--5/ 7--0-0-|-------6------9--9/ 7--0-0-|
|-------7~~-----5--5/ 7------|-------7------9--9/ 7------|
|--0----------0-3--3/ 5------|--0---------0-7--7/ 5------|

|-------6------5--5/ 7--0-0-|--6----6----6----6----6--6--||
|-------7------5--5/ 7------|--7--7-7--7-7--7-7--7-7--7--||
|--0---------0-3--3/ 5------|----------0---------0-------||

Only Guitar 1 plays the bends in bar 4

Guitar 3: Distortion


|--(15b17)---15~~-------------------------|--R--         --|
|------------------x-x-(16r14)--12--------|--E--         --|
|--------------------x-------------14~~---|--S--         --|
|-----------------------------------------|--T--         --|

    * 3/4 bend                           * 3/4 bend                * 3/4 bend

    * 3/4 bend

Part 3: Guitars 1 & 2                                     [ Time 00:53 - 01:09 ]

Guitar 1:

                                      * 3/4 bend
    "Way down deep within my heart"

                                                                      * 3/4 bend
|----------------------9--9\ 7------|-----------------------------------*------|
|-12h14-14-14-14-------9--9\ 7--0-0-|-12h14-14-14-14--14-12--14--14-(14b16r14)-|
|-0-----0--0--0----0-0-7--7\ 5--0-0-|-0-----0--0--0---0--0---0---0---0---------|
                                      "Lies a soul that's torn apart"

                                                                      * 3/4 bend
|---------------------5--5/ 7------|-----------------------------------*------|
|-12h14-14-14-14------5--5/ 7--0-0-|-12h14-14-14-14--14-12--14--14-(14b16r14)-|
|-0-----0--0--0---0-0-3--3/ 5--0-0-|-0-----0--0--0---0--0---0---0---0---------|
                                     "Tell me tell me what you're after"

|-----------------------------------|--------------------| |-----------| |
|-----------------------------------|--------------------| |-----------| |
|----------------------9--9\ 7------|--------------------|/|-----------|/|
|--12h14-14-14-14------9--9\ 7--0-0-|--14----------------|4|--(14)-----|4|
|--0-----0--0--0---0-0-7--7\ 5--0-0-|--0-----------------| |--(0)------| |
                                       "I just wanna get there faster"

Guitar 2:

||----------------------------------|------------------9--9\ 7------|
||--5h7-7-7-7--7-5--7--7-(7b9r7)----|--5h7-7-7-7-------9--9\ 7--0-0-|
||--0---0-0-0--0-0--0--0--0---------|--0---0-0-0---0-0-7--7\ 5--0-0-|

|----------------------------------|------------------5--5/ 7------|
|--5h7-7-7-7--7-5--7--7-(7b9r7)----|--5h7-7-7-7-------5--5/ 7--0-0-|
|--0---0-0-0--0-0--0--0--0---------|--0---0-0-0---0-0-3--3/ 5--0-0-|

|----------------------------------|------------------9--9\ 7------|
|--5h7-7-7-7--7-5--7--7-(7b9r7)----|--5h7-7-7-7-------9--9\ 7--0-0-|
|--0---0-0-0--0-0--0--0--0---------|--0---0-0-0---0-0-7--7\ 5--0-0-|

|--------------------| |-----------| |
|--------------------| |-----------| |
|--0-----------------| |--(0)------| |

Part 4: Guitars 1, 2 & 3                                  [ Time 01:09 - 01:35 ]

Guitars 1 & 2:

||------------0--------------0------| |
||------------0--------------0------| |
||----------0-2------------0-2------|*| x 11
||--(5/7)-7-0-2--0-5  /7-7-0-2----0-| |
||--(3/5)-0-0-0--0-3  /5-0-0-0--0-0-| |

||--(5/7)-7-0-2--0-5  /7-7-0-2--2--||
||--(3/5)-0-0-0--0-3  /5-0-0-0--0--||

Guitar 3:

Rest for 7 bars

[ Tab from: ]


Part 5: Guitars 1 & 2                                     [ Time 01:35 - 01:52 ]

||-------x-------------|--------------7\ 6--5--3-------|


|--------------7\ 6--5--3-------|--0------------------|--(0)--------------||

Guitar 2 replaces the final two bars with the following:


Interlude: Guitars 4 & 5 w/ Clean Tone                    [ Time 01:52 - 02:20 ]

Tempo = half-time

Guitar 4:

    "Sprinkle all my kisses on your head"

   "Stars full of wishes fill our bed"

  "She says          I'm dead"

Guitar 5:


|--12~~-------------15-- /17------17-----|-----------------------|

| -11---12--------------12h| -11--------------------||

Guitars 1, 2 and 3 come in right at the end of this section with the following:

Guitar 1:

|--R--        ----0---------||
|--E--        ----0---------||
|--S--        --------------||
|--T--        --8-----------||
|---------------8---8/ 12\ -||

Guitar 2:

                Pick scrapes
|--R--        --------------||
|--E--        --------------||
|--S--        --x\-x\-x\-x\-||
|--T--        --x\-x\-x\-x\-||

Guitar 3:

                        * 1 & 1/4 bend
|--R--            --(17b19)-||
|--E--            ----------||
|--S--            ----------||
|--T--            ----------||

Guitar Solo: Guitars 1, 2 & 3                             [ Time 02:20 - 02:48 ]

Guitars 1 & 2: Repeat Part 4 eight times, replacing the fourth bar as follows:

|--(5/7)-7-0-2--0-5  /7--9-9-- \--|
|--(3/5)-0-0-0--0-3  /5--7-7-- \--|

Then continue with the following

||---------------------------------|----------------------------| |
||---------------------------------|----------------------------| |
||--2p0--------2p0--------2p0------|-------0-0------------------| |
||------3bp0-------3bp0-------3pp0-|--3bp0----------------------| |

The bends on the low E string are 1/4 bends, accomplished by performing the
pull-off more aggressively than normal.

Guitar 3:

                                 * 1 & 1/4 bend to 1 & 1/2 bend
||--(19)-----(19  r17)---- p15-(17b |  19   b 20)--x-------------|

    1/4 bend       1/2 bend
|--(20  r19b20 r19b20r19)-17-------|----------0--------------------|
|--(20  r19b20 r19b20r19)-17--(20r |    19)---0--------------------|
|-----------------------------(20r |    19)-----12 h 14--12-(14 b16|

            3/4 bend    1 & 1/4 bend
|----------(15  b17)---(17r15)p12-|--------------------------------------------|
|16 r14)--0-x---------0-----------|(14b16r14  b16)--(<16> r14)   h12----12-----|
|---------0-----------------------|------------------(16) r14)-------14--------|

|------------------------------------(14b16r14|b16)--12--(17   b   19)------|
|---------------------------------------------|----------(17   b   19)------|
|-------(14b16r14)-12h (14b16r14)--12---------|-----------------------------|
|-(14)----------------------------------------|-----------------------8\  --|
|---------------------------------------------|-----------------------8\  --|

|-------------------|---------(22b24    r  22)---|-------------------|
|--R--            --|--------------------------0-|--R--            --|
|--E--            --|--------------------------0-|--E--            --|
|--S--            --|----------------------------|--S--            --|
|--T--            --|----------------------------|--T--            --|

|--R--            -----------||--------------------|----------------------||
|--E--            -----------||--------------------|----------------------||
|--S--            -----------||--------------------|----------------------||
|--T--            -----------||--------------------|----------------------||
|-------------------(5 / 12)-||---(12)~~-----------|--(12)~~------- \-----||

Break: Guitars 4 & 5                                      [ Time 02:48 - 03:42 ]

Rest for 8 bars

Guitar 1:

||--2----------------|--(2)--------------- /|--4---------------5h |
||--3----------------|--(3)--------------- /|--5---------------5--|
||--2----------------|--(2)--------------- /|--4---------------4--|

|  4---------------- \-|--2----------------|--(2)-------------- /|
|-(5)--------------- \-|--3----------------|--(3)-------------- /|
|-(4)--------------- \-|--2----------------|--(2)-------------- /|

|--4---------------5h |  4----------------||

Guitar 5:

Rest for 16 bars




"All this pain smothers me
Like a bomb that you can't see
Tell me tell me what you're after
I just wanna get there faster"

Outro: Guitars 1 & 2                                      [ Time 03:42 - 04:19 ]


|--7--7-7--7-7--7-7--7-7--7--|--7--7-7--7-7----x\ -------------|
|-----0----0----0----0-------|----------0----0-x\ --(0/12  p0)-|

||------------0--------------0------| |
||------------0--------------0------| |
||----------0-2------------0-2------|*| x 11
||--(5/7)-7-0-2--0-5  /7-7-0-2----0-| |
||--(3/5)-0-0-0--0-3  /5-0-0-0--0-0-| |

|--(5/7)-7-0-2--0-5  /7-7-0-2----|
|--(3/5)-0-0-0--0-3  /5-0-0-0----|

|--(0)-------x----R-    -||
|--(1)--------x---E-    -||
|--(2)---------x--S-    -||
|--(2)------------T-    -||

Guitar 2 replaces the fourth bar with the following:

|--6----6----6------11-- \-----|
|--7--7-7--7-7--5/ -11-- \-----|
|-----0----0----3/ -9--- \--0--|

Vocals enter on the eighth bar:

"I don't live, I inhale"
"I don't give, I unveil"
"I don't live, I inhale"
"I don't live."


Tab summary:        Part 1
                    Part 2
                    Part 3
                    Part 4
                    Part 5
                    Guitar Solo

Related for Siva tab