Guitaretab - guitar tabs
Song name
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Smashing Pumpkins - Speed Kills tab

                       S M A S H I N G   P U M P K I N S


                             S P E E D   K I L L S

                       STAND INSIDE YOUR LOVE (UK SINGLE)
                            (c) Virgin Records (2000)

                            [ Tunings Outlined Below ]

                                  Tempo = 67 BPM
                               Time Signature = 4/4

                                 Transcribed by

                                 PADDY MCMULLAN
                           pmtabs (@t) gmail [dot] com

                                   Version 1.0
                                29th February 2012

                             Tablature Symbols Used:

 h         -  Hammer-on
 p         -  Pull-off
 4 b 5     -  Bend Up
 5 r 4     -  Release Bend
 \         -  Slide Down to/Down From
 /         -  Slide Up to/Up From
 ( / )     -  Legato Slide
 ( )       -  Ghost Note/Tied Note/Implied Note
 xx\xx\    -  Fret Noise & Random Slides to/from Nowhere
 x         -  Dead Note/Muted Note
 <9>       -  Pinch/Artificial Harmonic
 <<9>>     -  Natural Harmonic
 V ^       -  Up-stroke/Down-stroke (Indicates Strum Direction)

Instrument Information:

Guitars 1 & 3: Clean electric and acoustic, respectively

Tune down a half step then tune the G string down a further half step, then tune
the B string down a further whole step.

E   A   D   G   B   E
|   |   |   |   |   |
Eb  Ab  Db  F   Ab  Eb

Guitar 2: Clean electric

Tune down a half step.

E   A   D   G   B   E
|   |   |   |   |   |
Eb  Ab  Db  Gb  Bb  Eb

Lead Guitars 1 & 2: Heavily distorted electrics

Tune down a half step, then tune the G string down a further half step.

E   A   D   G   B   E
|   |   |   |   |   |
Eb  Ab  Db  F   Bb  Eb

                                  Chords Used:

 Because there are multiple tunings involved with this song I'll separate each
 set of chords used by each instrument (only two instruments use chords anyway).
 One or two of the chords appear to be the same, but the root note provided by
 the bass guitar is considered when naming these chords.  In any case, there is
 no point in the tab where the chords are not accompanied by the tab itself, so
   the chord shapes can be garnered from the tab stave.  Fingering is included
                               beneath each chord.

                                Guitar 1 (Clean)

                F#sus2     Esus4      Bsus4     Dsus2        A5

                  3          3          3         1          3
                  2          2          2         3          1

                       D5        Asus2       A        Dadd9

                       3          3          3         1
                       2          2          1         3

                                Guitar 2 (Clean)

                F#sus4      E5       Bsus2     Bmadd11      B5

                  3          3          3         4          3
                  1          1          1         1          1

                 F#5         E        Dsus2       C#m         A

                  3          1          3          2          1
                  2          3          1          4          2
                             2                     3          3

                 A (2)      Bm          D         D6        Asus4

                  3          1          2          3          3
                  2          2          3          2          2
                  1          3          1                     1

                              Guitar 3 (Acoustic)

                 F#5        Em      Bm7add11     Dadd9     Eadd11

                  4          3          2          2          4
                  3          2                                3
                  1                                           2

                           C#7M       B7sus4      A5

                             4          3          3
                             3          1          2

                                  Song Notes:

 Throughout the tab there are numerous minor variations which I don't feel need
 to be tabbed out; the tab is long and complicated enough as it is!  The guitar
 solos use several effects which make the pitch of the notes vary with extreme
 levels of harmonics and squealing.  Therefore the tabbed notes might not sound
                 "convincing" when played without these effects.

Intro: Guitars 1 & 3                                           [ 00:00 - 00:36 ]

Feedback for 2 bars

Guitar 1: Clean electric

[Loose timing]

||-------0------------0----| |
||-----0----0------0-------| |
||-------------------------| | x 7
||-------------------------| |


Guitar 3: Acoustic

||-------0-----------------------| |
||-----0----0--------------------| |
||--4------- / 6)-- /7--- \------| | x 7
||--2------- / 4)-- /5--- \-0----|*|
||-------------------------------| |


Verse 1: Guitars 1, 2 & 3                                      [ 00:36 - 01:21 ]

Guitar 1: Clean

   [ Fsus2 ]         [ Esus4 ]          [ Bsus4 ]
||-----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |
||--11---------11  \ 9----------9  / |--16----------16-------------16  \ | |
||---------11----------------9-------|----------16------16-----16--------| | x 4
||-----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |

  [ Dsus2 ]
|--19---------19----------19--19-- \-|

Guitar 2: Clean

   [ F#sus4 ]   [ E5 ]        [ Bsus2 ]
||---------------------0----|---------------------0----| |
||---------0----------------|-----------0--------------| |
||--4--4--------2--2--------|--4--4-------------4------| | x 4
||--------------------------|--------------------------| |

 [ Bmadd11 ]

Guitar 3: Acoustic

   [ F#5 ]         [ Em ]            [ Bm7add11 ]
||--------0-------------0---0---0-|------0-0----0--0--0-0--0-0-| |
||--------0--0-0---0----0-0-0---0-|--0---0-0--0-0--0--0-0--0-0-| |
||--4---4-4--4-4-4-2--2---2---2-0-|--0---0-0--0-0--0--0-0--0-0-| | x 4
||--2---2----2-2-0-0--0---0---0---|----------------------------| |
    ^   ^ v  v ^ v ^  ^ v ^ v ^ v    ^   v ^  ^ v  v  v ^  ^ v

   [ Dadd9 ]
   ^   v ^  ^ v  v  v ^  ^ v

Chorus 1: Guitars 1, 2, 3 & Lead Guitar 1                 [ Time 01:21 - 01:48 ]

Guitar 1: Clean

   [ Bsus4 ]                          [ F#sus2 ]

||--16--------16--------16---------|--11---------11--------- / 16----|
||--------16------16----16--16-- \-|---------11-------11-------------|

   [ Bsus4 ]                           [ F#sus2 ]            [ Esus4 ]

|--16----------16-------------16-- \-|------------------11---------------9----|

              [ Dsus2 ]

Guitar 2: Clean

    [ B5 ]                      [ F#5 ]

||--11------11------11---- \-|--6----------6------6--- /-|
||--9------------------------|--4------4-4---4----4--- /-|

   [ B5 ]                      [ F#5 ]      [ E ]

|--11------11------11---- \-|--6---6----6\ -1----1--1-1-|
|--9------------------------|--4---4-4--4\ -2----2--2-2-|
                                            ^    ^  ^ v

                  [ Dsus2 ]         [ C#m ]

        ^  v      ^                 ^    ^

   [ Bsus2 ]


Guitar 3: Acoustic

    [ Bm7add11 ]                 [ F#5 ]

    ^   v ^  ^ v  v  v ^  ^ v    ^   ^ v ^ v ^ v  v  ^ v ^ v v

   [ Bm7add11 ]                 [ F#5 ]         [ Eadd11 ]

   ^   v ^  ^ v  v  v ^  ^ v    ^   ^ v ^ v ^ v ^   ^ v ^ v ^ v

                     [ Dadd9 ]       [ C#7M ]

        v  v ^ v ^ v ^     ^  ^ v    ^    ^ v ^ v  v  v  ^ v ^ v

   [ B7sus4 ]

   ^    v  ^ v

Lead Guitar 1: Distortion

||-------------------4-- \--|--------------------------|
||--2------ /4--5-----------|-------------------4-- \--|
||--------------------------|--2------ /4--5-----------|

|-------------------4-- \--|-------------------------|-----------4--------|
|--2------ /4--5-----------|----------------2--------|--(2)------5--------|
|--------------------------|--2------- /4h5-0--------|--(0)------5--------|

   Fade out

Verse 2: Guitars 1, 2 & 3                                 [ Time 01:48 - 02:22 ]

Guitar 1: Clean

    [ F#sus2 ]         [ Esus4 ]          [ Bsus4 ]

||--11-----------11  \ 9----------9  / |--16----------16-------------16-- \-|

   [ F#sus2 ]         [ Esus4 ]          [ Bsus4 ]

|--11-----------11  \ 9----------9  / |--16----------16-------------16-- \-|

   [ F#sus2 ]         [ Esus4 ]          [ Dsus2 ]

|--11-----------11  \ 9----------9  / |--19-----------19-----19--------|

                    [ Bsus4 ]

| |------------| |------------------------------------|
| |--(19)------| |--16----------16-------------16-- \-|
| |------------| |------------------------------------|

   [ F#sus2 ]         [ Esus4 ]         [ Bsus4 ]

|--11-----------11  \ 9----------9---|--16----------16--------------16---||

Guitar 2: Clean

    [ F#sus4 ]      [ E5 ]        [ Bsus2 ]


   [ F#sus4 ]      [ E5 ]        [ Bsus2 ]


   [ F#sus4 ]      [ E5 ]         [ A ]

|-------------------------0----|-------0------0---------0-| |--(0)-----------|
|-------------0----------------|--5-------5--------5------| |----------------|
|------------------------------|--------------------------| |----------------|

     [ Bsus2 ]                    [ F#sus4 ]    [ E5 ]

| |-----------------------0----|-----------------------0----|
| |-------------0--------------|-----------0----------------|
| |----------------------------|----------------------------|

   [ Bsus2 ]


Guitar 3: Acoustic

   [ F#5 ]         [ Em ]            [ Bm7add11 ]
||--------0-------------0---0---0-|------0-0----0--0--0-0--0-0-| |
||--------0--0-0---0----0-0-0---0-|--0---0-0--0-0--0--0-0--0-0-| |
||--4---4-4--4-4-4-2--2---2---2-0-|--0---0-0--0-0--0--0-0--0-0-| | x 3
||--2---2----2-2-0-0--0---0---0---|----------------------------| |
    ^   ^ v  v ^ v ^  ^ v ^ v ^ v    ^   v ^  ^ v  v  v ^  ^ v

   [ Dadd9 ]       [ C#7M ]
   ^   ^ v ^ v ^ v ^    ^  v ^

                           [ B7sus4 ]

| |------0----0-0-0---| |--0--0-0--0-0--0-0--0-0-0---|
| |--(0)-0-0--0-0-0-0-| |--0--0-0--0-0--0-0--0-0-0---|
| |-------------------| |--------------------------0-|
         v ^  ^ v ^ v      ^  v ^  v ^  v ^  ^ v ^ v

  [ F#5 ]         [ Em ]            [ Bm7add11 ]

   ^   ^ v  v ^ v ^  ^ v ^ v ^ v    ^   v ^  ^ v  v  v ^  ^ v

[ Tab from: ]
Chorus 2: Guitars 1, 2, 3 & Lead Guitar 1                 [ Time 02:22 - 02:49 ]

Guitar 1: Clean

    [ Bsus4 ]                              [ F#sus2 ]

||--------16-------16-16--16-----16-- \-|-----------11-------11----11-------|

   [ Bsus4 ]                          [ F#sus2 ]         [ Esus4 ]

|--16--------16-------------16-- \-|----------------11---------------9----|

                                             [ Dadd9 ]

|------------9------------|--R--        --|--19--------19-----------19----||
|------------0------------|--E--        --|--0----0-----------------0-----||
|--(9)---9-9--------------|--S--        --|--0----------------------0-----||
|-------------------------|--T--        --|-------------------------------||

Guitar 2: Clean

    [ B5 ]                      [ F#5 ]

||--11------11------11---- \-|--6----------6------6--- /-|
||--9------------------------|--4------4-4---4----4--- /-|

   [ B5 ]                      [ F#5 ]      [ E ]

|--11------11------11---- \-|--6---6----6\ -1----1--1-1-|
|--9------------------------|--4---4-4--4\ -2----2--2-2-|
                                            ^    ^  ^ v

                  [ Dsus2 ]       [ C#m ]

        ^  v      v               ^    ^

   [ Dsus2 ]


Guitar 3: Acoustic

    [ Bm7add11 ]                 [ F#5 ]

    ^   v ^  v ^  v  v ^  ^ v    ^   ^ v ^ v ^ v  v  v ^ v ^ v

   [ Bm7add11 ]                  [ F#5 ]         [ Eadd11 ]

   ^    v ^  ^ v  v  v ^  ^ v    ^   ^ v ^ v ^ v ^    ^ v ^ v ^ v

                     [ Dadd9 ]      [ C#7M ]

        v  v ^ v ^ v ^    ^  ^ v    ^   ^ v ^ v  v  v  ^ v ^ v

   [ Dadd9 ]

   ^   v ^  ^ v  v  v ^  ^ v

Lead Guitar 1: Distortion

||-------------------4-- \--|--------------------------|
||--2------ /4--5-----------|-------------------4--  \ |
||--------------------------|--2------ /4--5-----------|

|-------------------4-- \--|------------------------|----------------------|
|--2------ /4--5-----------|---------------2--------|--(2)----- / 9--------|
|--------------------------|--2------ /4h5-0--------|--(0)----- / 7--------|

   Fade out

Guitar Solo 1: Guitars 1, 2, 3 & Lead Guitar 2            [ Time 02:49 - 03:29 ]

Guitar 1: Clean

    [ A5 ]          [ Esus4 ]         [ D5 ]

||--12--------12  \ 9----------9---|------------12------12------12--------|
||--------------------------9------|--12-----12-----12-------12-----12  \ |

   [ Esus4 ]                     [ D5 ]

|-----------------------------|-------------------------------------| |
|----------9-----9-----9------|------------12------12------12-------| |
|--9-----9----9------9----9---|--12-----12-----12-------12-----12---| | x 2
|-----------------------------|-------------------------------------| |

   [ Asus2 ]         [ Esus4 ]          [ Bsus4 ]

|--------------14  \ 9----------9  / |--16----------16--------------16---|

   [ F#sus2 ]         [ Esus4 ]

|--11-----------11  \ 9----------9  / ||

Guitar 2: Clean

    [ A (2) ]     [ Bm ]           [ D ]

||--2-----2---- / 4-----4-------|----------------------------|

   [ Bm ]                      [ Dsus2 ]

|-------2-----2-----2-------|----------0----0------------| |
|-------------3--3-----0--3-|--3-----3----3----3-----3---| |
|---------------------------|--0-------------------------| | x 2
|---------------------------|----------------------------| |

   [ A (2) ]      [ Bm ]          [ D6 ]


   [ F#sus4 ]    [ E5 ]


Guitar 3: Acoustic

    [ A5 ]        [ Eadd11 ]        [ Dadd9 ]

    ^  ^ v  v ^ v ^   ^ v ^  ^ v    ^  v ^  ^ v  v  v ^  ^ v

   [ Bm7add11 ]                  [ Dadd9 ]

|-------0-0----0--0--0-0--0-0-|-------0-0----0--0--0-0--0-0-| |
|--0----0-0--0-0--0--0-0--0-0-|--0----0-0--0-0--0--0-0--0-0-| |
|--0----0-0--0-0--0--0-0--0-0-|--0----0-0--0-0--0--0-0--0-0-| | x 2
|-----------------------------|-----------------------------| |
   ^    v ^  ^ v  v  v ^  ^ v    ^    v ^  ^ v  v  v ^  ^ v

   [ A5 ]        [ Eadd11 ]        [ Dadd9 ]

   ^  ^ v  v ^ v ^   ^ v ^  ^ v    ^  v ^  ^ v  v  v ^  ^ v

   [ Bm7add11 ]

   ^   v ^  ^ v  v  v ^  ^ v

Lead Guitar 2: Distortion

||--R--            --|-- --(22 r    19)--------|----(22 r    19)------------|
||--E--            --|-- ----------------------|-----x----------------------|
||--S--            --|-- ----------------------|-----x--------------x\ -----|
||--T--            --|-- ----------------------|--------------------x\ ---0-|

|-- /14~~-- / 16\11~~---- /16\ 14---16- /16~~---|

|-------------------------------(10b  |   12     r  10)------|
|-- /14------- \----------------------|----------------------|
|----------------- /14~~----x\ -------|------------------x\ -|
|---------------------------x\ -------|------------------x\ -|

|-----<10>~~-- \----<12>~~     p0----(5b7r5b  |    7 r 5)-3~~------(<12>r  |
|--x/ ----------------------------x/ ---------|----------------------------|
|--x/ -----------0----------------x/ ---------|----------------------------|

                                     Pre-bend 2 full steps
|-------------(<12>  r 10)------|--(<14>  r 12  r 10)~~-------------|
|   10) p0--------------------0-|-----------------------------------|
|-------------------------------|-------------------------------x/ -|
|-------------------------------|------------------------x\-x\--x/ -|

                                                         Hold bend and fade
|--(14 b15r14)~\ 10-(12 b14r12)~~-||--10~~--------------(12  b |      14)----||

Break: Guitars 1, 2 & 3                                   [ Time 03:29 - 04:28 ]

Guitar 1: Clean

    [ Dsus2 ]                          [ Bsus4 ]

||----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |
||--19---------19-------------19  \ |--16---------16-------16-----16  / | |
||---------19------19-----19--------|---------16------16------16--------| | x 4
||----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |

   [ Dsus2 ]                          [ Bsus4 ] (Note variation on 4th string)

|--19----------19-------------19  \ |--16-------------------16-----16  / |

   [ Dsus2 ]                          [ Bsus4 ]

|--19----------19-------------19  \ |--16--------------------------|

   [ Dsus2 ]                      [ Bsus4 ]


   [ Dsus2 ]                     [ Bsus4 ]


Guitar 2: Clean

    [ Dsus2 ]                   [ Bm ]

||--0-------0-----0-0--------|--------------0----------| |
||--3---------3---3-3--------|----------2---3-3--------| |
||--0---------0-----0--------|-------------------------| | x 8
||---------------------------|-------------------------| |

Guitar 3: Acoustic

    [ Dadd9 ]                    [ Bm7add11 ]

||------0-0----0--0--0-0--0-0-|------0-0----0--0--0-0--0-0-| |
||--0---0-0--0-0--0--0-0--0-0-|--0---0-0--0-0--0--0-0--0-0-| |
||--0---0-0--0-0--0--0-0--0-0-|--0---0-0--0-0--0--0-0--0-0-| | x 8
||----------------------------|----------------------------| |
    ^   v ^  ^ v  v  v ^  ^ v    ^   v ^  ^ v  v  v ^  ^ v

Guitar Solo 2/Outro: Guitars 1, 2, 3 & Lead Guitar 2      [ Time 04:29 - 05:19 ]

Guitar 1: Clean

    [ Dsus2 ]                      [ Bsus4 ]


   [ Dsus2 ]                      [ Bsus4 ]


   [ Dsus2 ]                      [ Bsus4 ]



    [ A ]

||----------0----------------0--------| |
||------12----12---------12----12-----| |
||------------------------------------| | x 4
||------------------------------------| |

During the final 4 bars fade out gradually.

Guitar 2: Clean

    [ Dsus2 ]                     [ Bsus4add9 ]

||--0---------0-----0-0--------|----------------0----------| |
||--3-----------3---3-3--------|------------2---3-3--------| |
||--0-----------0-----0--------|---------------------------| | x 4
||-----------------------------|---------------------------| |

    [ Asus4 ]

||--------------------------| |
||--3-----------3-----------| |
||--------2-----------2-----| | x 4
||--------------------------| |

During the final 4 bars fade out gradually.

Guitar 3: Acoustic

    [ Dadd9 ]                    [ Bm7add11 ]
                              |________________________[1 - 7]
||------0-0----0--0--0-0--0-0-|------0-0----0--0--0-0--0-0-| |
||--0---0-0--0-0--0--0-0--0-0-|--0---0-0--0-0--0--0-0--0-0-| |
||--0---0-0--0-0--0--0-0--0-0-|--0---0-0--0-0--0--0-0--0-0-| | x 8
||----------------------------|----------------------------| |
    ^   v ^  ^ v  v  v ^  ^ v    ^   v ^  ^ v  v  v ^  ^ v

    ^   ^ v  ^ v

Lead Guitar 2: Distortion

    Fade in______|

||--(21   r    19)----------||-----------------------------|
||---------------------(22 r||  19)--19~~---(22 r19)-------|
||-----------------x\ ------||-------------------------x\ -|
||-----------------x\ ------||-------------------------x\ -|

|-----(17b19r17  b  22r17)h15~~----(<17> r |   15~~   )---------------|
|--x/ -------------------------------------|--------------------------|
|--x/ -------------------------------------|---------------x\ -(<4> b |
|------------------------------------------|---------------x\ --------|

|---------<4>~~---------------|-----7------ /9-4---4---------------|
| 5 r4)-------------<4>~~-- / |----------------------0-4-4---------|

             * 1 & 1/4 pre-bends                   * 3/4 pre-bend

|------------*-----------(6.5  | r5)-(3\2)-3p2-----*---------------(8 r |
|----------(<6.5> r5)  -h0-----|---------------3-(<5.75> r5)-3~~--0-----|

| 7)-(3h5p3\2h3)-0-----------------------------------(8  r5)-(3\2h |
|----(0)------------0-(5b7) h0-(5p3p0)-(<7>r 5)----0---------------|

|--(3p2h3p2p0)------(<5.75> r5 b7r 5   b  |9.25)--------R--    --||
|----------------0------------------------|-------------E--    --||
|-----------------------------------------|-------x\  --S--    --||
|-----------------------------------------|-------x\  --T--    --||
|-----------------------------------------|-------x\  -----------||

* This entire section is a single bend; end it with the biggest bend you can
  manage without breaking a string!

During the final 4 bars of the song a lead fill is overdubbed and uses the same
tuning and effects as Guitar 1.  It fades out along with the other tracks.

||----------------------------------------| |
||-- /17----17h19- \--- /17----17h19- \---| |
||----------------------------------------| | x 4
||----------------------------------------| |


Tab summary:        Intro
                    Verse 1
                    Chorus 1
                    Verse 2
                    Chorus 2
                    Guitar Solo 1
                    Guitar Solo 2/Outro

Related for Speed Kills tab