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Silverchair - Sleep All Day tab

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Hey. This song is off of the silverchair single (Straight Lines)
I think it's a great song and it's also a pretty simple song


C          B      Em
 Take your mama's gun

C            B      Em  D#5 D5 
 Seal up the barrel tight

C       B       Em   
 Sleep tomorrow son
[ Tab from: ]
C         B       Em  D#5 D5
 Exit for another night


C              B       C                       B
 I know it's a secret...speaking about whether I'm okay but

Em              C             B7
 I don't see any inspiration in big lies

D   C   Em  G
And all I say

C              B       C                          B
 You think it's crazy...but I got these papers to prove I'm only sick

Em              C               B7
 I don't see any inspiration in clear skies 

D     C     Em   G
 So I sleep all day

these chord patterns apply to the second verse and chorus.
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