Guitaretab - guitar tabs
Song name
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Shinedown - Im Not Alright chords

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This is my first tab so I hope I did a good job and hopefully this will help someone 
else out. Pretty simple song using basic power chords in a drop-D tuning. If you like it 
please rate and comment. Enjoy!

 Intro Lick:


 Verse 1:
All dressed up
In a white straitjacket
Shut your mouth
No, you can't have it

Paper airplanes
Open window
Here today
And gone tomorrow
[ Tab from: ]
I like to stare at the sun
And think about what I've done
(F)                        (G)
I lie awake in my great escape

I like crossing the line
And slowly losing my mind
Are you ok
'Cuz I feel fine

Maybe it's me
I'm just crazy
(Bb)      (G)                   (D)
Maybe I like that I'm not alright


 Verse 2: (chords are same as verse 1)
All messed up
And slightly twisted
Am I sick or am I gifted

Paper airplanes
Open window
Here today
And gone tomorrow


(Bb)    (C)
I don't care if you apologize
I can't lie

(Bb)    (C)
I can't lie


(Bb)      (G)                (D)
Maybe I like that I'm not alright


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