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Song name
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Scorpions - Future Never Dies tab

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Chords used:

A � 577655
C -  332010
G -  355433
G#- 466544
B -  799877

Ignore the pop ups for these chords. Play rest of the chords according to them.

 A              C
I'm lost in your eyes
G                          F       E
Reaching out to cross the great divide
A                  C
You are drifting away
G                     E          A
Mind and soul and body day by day

E F      G A

E                   F      G
Nothing's stopping you and I
           C          A
It's do or die tonight

For the Chorus strum the strings upwards, starting from the 1st string. [Play B chord in 
7th Position as written earlier]
[ Tab from: ]
So tell me why I'm alone
When we're lying here together
On a night that's so cold
And you're just a touch away
Baby try to hold on
Till we make it to forevever
We're alive
And the future never dies

Repeat chords

I've been dying inside
Holding back the tears I never cried
Now I'm down on my knees
Cause everything you are is what I need

You're the meaning of it all
Don't let me fall you've gotta

Tell me why I'm alone
When we're lying here together
On a night that's so cold
And you're just a touch away
Baby try to hold on
Till we make it to forever
We're alive
And the future never dies
We're alive
And the future never dies

C5          [without chords]
We've got to come together
F             [without chords]
Cause everybody needs a heart to hold
Bb (6th position)
Can't you see it's now or never
F                             Bb
Cause we've got nowhere else to go

Play chords gently for the next verse

Tell me why I'm alone
When we're lying here together

Solo: G#

Repeat chords as earlier.

Baby try to hold on
Till we make it to forever
We're alive
And the future never dies
We're alive
And the future never dies
In your eyes
The future never dies
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