Guitaretab - guitar tabs
Song name
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Scandal - Beauteen tab






  Bb5     F5         Eb5     Bb5

  F5         Eb5     Bb5

  F5         Eb5

  G5            F5              Eb5             D5              C5 



  Bb5     Eb5       Eb5 F5 Eb5 F5  Bb5

  Eb5       Eb5 F5 Eb5 F5  Bb5

  Eb5       Eb5 F5 Eb5 F5  

  G5            F5              Eb5             D5              C5 

  F#5                   A


  G#5          Eb5          F5                C#5

  G#5          Eb5          F5                C#5     Eb5

  G#5          Eb5          F5                C#5    

  G#5          Eb5          F5                C#5     Eb5


  G#5      B5  G#5      C#5 G#5      B5  C#5 Eb5 E5  F#5   G#5
[ Tab from: ]
  G#          B    G#         C#     G#         B    C#  Eb   E    F#  G#


  Bb5     F5        F5      Bb5

  F5        Eb5     Bb5

  F5        Eb5     

  G5            F5              Eb5             D5              C5 

  C#5           E5            F5

-Guitar Solo-






-Lick After Last Chorus-



  G#          B    G#         C#     G#         B    C#  Eb   E    F#  G#      G#5        end.....

there you go!!!....i think this is right....tho im NOT claiming that this is the 
way Mami plays this awesome song....-__-"
btw!!! as for the lick parts after chorus, i know its hard you can also 
play that party using this line...

  G#5      B5  G#5      C#5 G#5     B5  C#5 Eb5 E5  F#5   G#5

well that's pretty easy right? compared to the first one....
hehehe...btw it's up to you...


h                    hammer on
p                    pull off
~                    let ring
 or     break
/                    slide
+/+                  legato slide
+/ or /+             slide from/to nowhere
          do alternate picking or tremolo picking for the whole measure
(n) or (n-n-n...)    palm muted
*/ or /* or */*      scrape pick down the strings
x	             dead string
b                    bend 
qb                   quarter bend
hb                   half bend
fb                   full bend 
                 whole measure is played in full bend
                 whole measure is played in half bend
                 whole measure is played in quarter bend
                  whole measure was supposed to be bent
         whole measure indicated was in palm mute
(hold)               hold
               hold for whole measure
(break)              break
[n]                  (for bass tabs only) tap, slap, pop, or what ever you may call it..hahaha

ohh!!! if you have some questions, suggestions, or comments please post it on my 
facebook wall:
for some updates, kindly visit my blog
again thanks!!!
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