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sakis rouvas - Se Thelo San Trelos chords

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My first upload!
The song is in Greek, but I believe anyone can enjoy it!
Sorry for any mistakes, I'm new to the site,
I hope I can fix any mistakes later.

*instrumental intro*

A       C#m
 Koita pragmata
Gm      E             D
 tosa thaymata, ki egw
     A          E A E
to egw mou kynhgw
A       C#m
 des katastash
Gm        E               D
 h allh diastash einai edw
       A          E A E D
kai fovamai na th dw

G           D      
 Terma ta psemata
G           D      
 yparxoun themata
C                 D
 ki oneira pou antexoune
pame agaph mou ksana

F     C           A#
 Se thelw san trelos
         F        C Dm
ki etsi ginomai ikanos
n' antistekomai
        A#           C
na mh stekomai vouvos
F     C           A#
 se thelw san trelos
        F           C   Dm
san tyflos pou psaxnei fws
ki oti antexetai
       A#          C F E A
to ypodexetai gymnos
[ Tab from: ]
A       C#m
 Koita kollhma
Gm      E           D
 exw provlhma ki egw
      A          E A E
th skia mou kynhgw
A          C#m
 feygei o xronos mou
Gm      E             D
 menw monos mou ki egw
        A         E A E D
fterougizw sto keno

G            D   
 Terma ta psemata
G             D  
 logia kai vlemmata
C              D
 xronia pou perasane
ola ginontai paron

F     C           A#
 Se thelw san trelos
         F        C Dm
ki etsi ginomai ikanos
n' antistekomai
        A#           C
na mh stekomai vouvos
F     C           A#
 se thelw san trelos
        F           C   Dm
san tyflos pou psaxnei fws
ki oti antexetai
       A#           C
to ypodexetai gymnos

Pame gi' alla pio megala
pio wraia pragmata
pame gi alla, ksexna t'alla
einai pia parelthon
F C A# F C
Dm Am A# A# C

F     C           A#
 Se thelw san trelos
         F        C Dm
ki etsi ginomai ikanos
n' antistekomai
        A#           C
na mh stekomai vouvos
F     C           A#
 se thelw san trelos
        F           C   Dm
san tyflos pou psaxnei fws
ki oti antexetai
       A#           C
to ypodexetai gymnos

*final chords*
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