Song: Devils and Angels
Artist: Royal Bliss
Album: After the Chaos II
This song was also re-released (and maybe even re-recorded) and put on their
major-label debut Life In-Between album as 'Devils & Angels' because it is
a strong song and would probably help further boost familiarity and
likability with their major-label debut. (Yes they changed the 'and' to an
'&'. Why? I wouldn't have the slightest idea, but they actually are listed
different on iTunes like that)
I'm not going to bother tabbing out most of the picking patterns. It would
be more confusing if I did that, so I'll just indicate the chords and then
you can listen to the song and get the idea of how to pick it. It's pretty
Tuning: Half-step down Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb
0:00 Acoustic *
Eb --0----2---3220-22-| The song starts out with a backstroke on the first
Bb --0----3---3333-33-| chord. So figure out the picking patterns for these.
Gb --0----2---2222-23-| *These last 6 chords are played right together.
Db --2----0---0000-00-|
Ab --2----------------|
Eb --0----------------| (x4)
0:32 *
Eb --3--0--2---3220-22-|-3--0--2----| Any part from here on out that just
Bb --3--1--3---3333-33-|-3--1--3----| has the time above the tabs with no
Gb --0--0--2---2222-22-|-0--0--4----| indication of which guitar it is is
Db --0--2--0---0000-00-|-0--2--4----| understood to be the acoustic
Ab --2--3--------------|-2--3--2----| Guitar 1. It will still continue
Eb --3-----------------|-3----------| to do its picking patterns.
0:47 *
Eb --0----2---3220-22--|
Bb --0----3---3333-33--|
Gb --0----2---2222-22--|
Db --2----0---0000-00--|
Ab --2-----------------| (x4)
Eb --0-----------------|
1:18 * *
Eb --3--0--2---3220-22-|-3--0--2--x2222222-| *These are all played together
Bb --3--1--3---3333-33-|-3--1--3--x3333333-|
Gb --0--0--2---2222-22-|-0--0--4--x2222222-|
Db --0--2--0---0000-00-|-0--2--4--x0000000-|
Ab --2--3--------------|-2--3--2-----------|
Eb --3-----------------|-3-----------------|
Eb --3--0--2---3220-22-|-3--0--2----|
Bb --3--1--3---3333-33-|-3--1--3----|
Gb --0--0--2---2222-22-|-0--0--4----|
Db --0--2--0---0000-00-|-0--2--4----|
Ab --2--3--------------|-2--3--2----|
Eb --3-----------------|-3----------|
Eb ---0---2-----|--3---2-|
Bb ---1---3-----|--3---3-|
Gb ---0---2-----|--0---2-|
Db ---2---0-----|--0---0-|
Ab ---3----(x3)-|--2-----|
Eb -------------|--3-----|
2:20 Guitar 2 Solo -Light distortion
Eb ------------------------------------|--------------------------------|
Bb --/8--------------------------8p7---|-8-------------------8888888----|
Gb -----9--/9-7------7-7------7h9---h9-|---9--/9-7------7----7777777----|
Db -------------7----7-----7h9---------|-----------7----7----5555555----|
Ab ---------------10-------------------|-------------10-----------------|
Eb ------------------------------------|--------------------------------|
2:20 Chords for solo
Eb --0---2--|
Bb --0---3--|
Gb --0---2--|
Db --2---0--| (x2)
Ab --2------|
Eb --0------|
2:36 *
Eb --0-----------2--|--0---2--3220-22--|
Bb --0-----------3--|--0---3--3333-33--|
Gb --0-----------2--|--0---2--2222-22--|
Db --2--(pauses)-0--|--2---0--0000-00--|
Ab --2--------------|--2---------------|
Eb --0--------------|--0---------------|
[ Tab from: ]
Guitar 2 -Distortion
Eb ----12\---------------------------|----------|
Bb ----12\---------------------------|----------| NOTE: On Guitar 2, these
Gb ----12\--11/12\11/12\11/12\11-7---|------7---| chords and the rest of
Db --2---------------------------7---|--2---7---| them for the rest of the
Ab --2---------------------------5---|--2---5---|song are just single strums
Eb --0-------------------------------|--0-------| only for Guitar 2. The
acoustic still does its
picking patterns like it has.
Remember not to confuse the single
strums of Guitar 2 w/ the different
picking patterns of Guitar 1, even though
the way they are tabbed out looks like they
are doing almost the same thing in comparison.
2:51 * *
Eb --3--0--2---3220-22-|-3--0--2--x2222222-|
Bb --3--1--3---3333-33-|-3--1--3--x3333333-|
Gb --0--0--2---2222-22-|-0--0--4--x2222222-|
Db --0--2--0---0000-00-|-0--2--4--x0000000-|
Ab --2--3--------------|-2--3--2-----------|
Eb --3-----------------|-3-----------------|
2:51 Guitar 2
Eb --------2-----------|-3--0--7-------------|
Bb --------3-----------|-3--1--7-------------|
Gb -----5--2--11b12-11-|-0--0--7---9b11b9-7--|
Db --5--5--0-----------|-0--2--9-------------|
Ab --5--3--------------|-2--3--9-------------|
Eb --3-----------------|-3-------------------|
3:07 *
Eb --3--0--2---3220-22-|-3--0--2----|
Bb --3--1--3---3333-33-|-3--1--3----|
Gb --0--0--2---2222-22-|-0--0--4----|
Db --0--2--0---0000-00-|-0--2--4----|
Ab --2--3--------------|-2--3--2----|
Eb --3-----------------|-3----------|
3:07 Guitar 2
Eb --3--0--2---32-0-2--|-3--0--7-------------|
Bb --3--1--3---3-------|-3--1--7-------------|
Gb --0--0--2---2-------|-0--0--7---9b11b9-7--|
Db --0--2--0---0-------|-0--2--9-------------|
Ab --2--3--------------|-2--3--9-------------|
Eb --3-----------------|-3-------------------|
3:23 * # # #
Eb --3--0--2---3220-22-|-3--0--2----|
Bb --3--1--3---3333-33-|-3--1--3----| #These are just single strums
Gb --0--0--2---2222-22-|-0--0--2----|
Db --0--2--0---0000-00-|-0--2--0----|
Ab --2--3--------------|-2--3-------|
Eb --3-----------------|-3----------|
3:23 Guitar 2
Eb --3--0--2---32-0-2--|------------|
Bb --3--1--3---3-------|------------|
Gb --0--0--2---2-------|------------|
Db --0--2--0---0-------|------------|
Ab --2--3--------------|------------|
Eb --3-----------------|------------|
3:23 Guitar 3
Eb -------------------------------|-------------------------------|
Bb -------------------------------|-------------------------------|
Gb -------------------------------|----11/12\11/12\11/12\11/12\11-|
Db -----14-\11-11~--11-\7-7~-/12~-|-------------------------------|
Ab -------------------------------|-------------------------------|
Eb -------------------------------|-------------------------------|
NOTE: So you aren't confused by this Guitar 3 being used once, technically
it is the parts in Guitar 2 where there are slides and bends, but since it
never overlapped w/ Guitar 2 at those parts, I put them in its part to save
space. But this last measure at 3:23, it's the only time that these slides
overlap Guitar 2, so I just went ahead and put a 'Guitar 3' measure just
for that time.