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++REFLECTION by Prince++ (From his Musicology Album) - kirt_neill3000@yahoo.com VERSE: E Eadd9 022100 022102 2 sevens together A A 002220 002224 002222 002220 Like time, indefinite E Eadd9 022100 022102 Trying 2 catch the glass A A 002220 002224 002222 002220 b4 it falls E Eadd9 022100 022102 Without a frown A A 002220 002224 002222 002220 Can U turn up the stereo? [ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/p/prince/139835.html ] E Eadd9 022100 022102 Eye wanna play U this old song about A A 002220 002224 002222 002220 love (is it about love?) .. Can Eye do that? -------------- CHORUS: Fm B7 244222 224242 Did we remember 2 water the plants today? Fm B7 244222 224242 Eye 4got 2 look up at the moon because Fm B7 244222 224242 Eye was 2 busy, said Eye was 2 busy Fm 244222 Eye was 2 busy B7 B7 224242 224242 ..Looking at you babe ---- (you get how the song goes, right?)... that's all. ---- ![]() |