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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Praise And Worship - Attend To My Words chords

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                      Attend to my Words

 *     "markchordz" 6 Years in the road(UG)                    *
 * Thanks for supporting my tabs here in   * 

*Read first: Pls Rate, leave some comments and be sure that your         *
* guitar "tune" well before playing this song..                          *
*                                                                        *
*            All Rights Reserved � Copyright 2014                        *

[ Tab from: ]
E A B 2x
 E             A      B    E 
My son give attention to my words

  A         B          C#m
Incline your ears to my sayings
Do not
  A       B
Let them depart
From your eyes

  A              B
Keep them in the midst
Of you heart


               A               E
For they are life to those who find them
     B                  C#m
And health to all their flesh
for they are life
To those who find them
           B          A
And health to all their flesh
 G         F  
Death and life
           Am            G
are in the power of the tongue
     Bb       F
and those who love it
      Ab      Bb B
will eat its fruit
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