Guitaretab - guitar tabs
Song name
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Pod - Will You tab

Will You
Payable On Death
Tuning: All strings one full step down (D G C F A d)
I'm pretty sure Truby has some chorus effect on this song.
The chords in the chorus look pretty iffy, but if you listen closely,
there is a sort of low melody being played under the power chords.

    / : Slide 
    x : Mute String
PM... : Palm Mute
  4h5 : Hammer On
  5p4 : Pull Off

Intro/ First Chorus:
|------------------------10-10-10/--14-14-14-14-|    \
|-----------------------------------------------|    /

Second/Third Chorus:
|------------------------10-10-10/--14-14-14-14-|   \
|-----------------------------------------------|   /

|------------------------10-10-10---------------|   \
|-----------------------------------------------|   / 

|----------------------8-8-8--8-8--8------------|   \
PM.....   .            .....    .                    )4x
|-----------------------------------------------|   /
PM.....   . ^            .....   .
            an octaver?
[ Tab from: ]
Bridge: some of these parts, mainly the second tab staff, are very hard to
hear because of the overdubbed chords (which i had trouble figuring out, sorry).
they're there, you just have to listen a little closer.

    PM.......     .......

(clean tone)


|------------------------10-10-10/--14-14-14-14-|   \
|-----------------------------------------------|   /





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