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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Pixies - Velouria Acoustic chords

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First Tab.
If you are really struggling to get the strumming pattern, this is based on this 
video "". That should help.


E E F F F  A A Bb Bb Bb  A A (x3)  First 2 just play bass notes then 
E E                                quickly strum bottom strings on last one 

Verse 1:

Am         F                         Play the A and D once and let ring
   hold my head                      Quickly strum the rest

D                 Bb                 Chord before words = play before sing
  we'll trampoline

F                    Am
finally through the roof

F                 D
on to somewhere near

Bb             F
  and far in time

Am        F

D           Bb
  her covering

F              Am
travelling career

F                D
she can really move

Bb           F
   oh velveteen!


A    F       A    F
my velouria, my velouria

Bb          F
even i'll adore you

A    F
my velouria

Bb    A     F
even I'll adore you

A     F
my velouria

Verse 2:

Am       F
  say to me
[ Tab from: ]
D                Bb
 where have you been

F                   Am
finally through the roof

F         D 
     and how does lemur skin

Bb             F
   reflect the sea?


we will wade in the shine of the ever

we will wade in the shine of the ever

we will wade in the tides of the summer

every summer

A    F
my velouria

A      Bb
  my velouria

E E F F F  A A Bb Bb Bb  A A                  Same as last bar of intro
E E 

Verse 3: 
Am         F

D               Bb
   i know she's here

F          Am
in California

F             D
i can see the tears

Bb          F
  of shastasheen


A    F       A    F
my velouria, my velouria

Bb          F
even i'll adore you

A      F
  my velouria

Bb      A     F
  even I'll adore you

A       F
  my velouria

E   F     A   Bb
V-E-L-O-U-R-I-A       (x3)

A A E E F F F                               Strum bottom strings slowly
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