Guitaretab - guitar tabs
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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Pink Floyd - The Happiest Days tab

Date: Sat, 21 Oct 1995 00:14:25 -0500
From: Jonathan 
Subject: TAB: The Happiest Days of our Lives (Pink Floyd)

                               Pink Floyd
                     The Happiest Days of our Lives
                             by Roger Waters
                     from the 1979 release, The Wall

                         transcribed by Jonathan


/ = slide up  \ = slide down  H = hammer-on  B = bend
PM = palm mute  '' = continue picking note (listen for rhythm)

  gtr. 1 (w/delay) PM throughout
| bass (w/delay*)
| +				    o
  * + = delay on, o = delay off

| +								  o




  we    grew  up    and   went  to    school

  There were  cer - tain  teachers    who   would

  Hurt  the children      an-y- way         they

  could              "Oof!"  				        By

  pouring their derision    Upon    anything    we  did         Ex-

  pos-ing ev- 'ry weakness    How - ever  carefully hidden  by  the

  kids [laughing]

							But in  the

  town  it was      well  known When  they  got

  home  at night,   their fat   and   Psy - cho -

  pathic   wives    would thrash them       Within

				     gtr. 2 (w/dist.)
  inches of their lives		     Ooh   ooh ooh     Ooh   ooh ooh

  Ooh   ooh ooh     Ooh   ooh ooh     Ooh   ooh ooh

  Ooh   ooh ooh     Ooh		      [Scream]
[ Tab from: ]
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