From: Howard Wright (Hman)
DOGS - Pink Floyd
The other dogs.crd file from Nevada has some mistakes in it
I think it was just a slip-up when it was typed, but the last two
chords it gives sound horrible.
I think you have to tune all strings down a tone to be in tune
with the record, so the strings should be tuned to : DGCFAD
The shapes are :
022032 x33010 xx4420 xx3310
Dm9 Bbadd4 E7sus4 Ebmaj7sus4
These chords fade in slowly over the Dm9
Play 4 bars of each chord :
Dm9 Bbadd4 E7sus4 Ebmaj7sus4
It repeats over and over........
One extra point : there is a little grace note, or added note on
the last two chords of the sequence (E and Eb)
On the last strum of each bar add a finger on the top D string
- for the E chord, add at the second fret, for the Eb chord add
at the first fret.
I can't TAB out the exact strumming pattern as it's pretty busy
playing, but for these two chords with the extra note it looks
roughly like this :
D--0--0-0---0--0-0---0-2-- .... --0--0-0---0--0-0---0-1---- ....
A--2--2-2---2--2-2---2-2-- .... --1--1-1---1--1-1---1-1---- ....
F--4--4-4---4--4-4---4-4-- .... --3--3-3---3--3-3---3-3---- ....
C--4--4-4---4--4-4---4-4-- .... --3--3-3---3--3-3---3-3---- ....
G------------------------- .... --------------------------- ....
D------------------------- .... --------------------------- ....
^^^^ ^^^^
note added here and here
I've missed out the three repeated bars in the middle and at the end
What I've tabbed is just one bar's worth of each chord.
Hope you get the idea
Enjoy !
[ Tab from: ]