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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Patsy Cline - Too Many Secrets chords

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Last night I met a woman you'll recognize her name
                                A7               D7
Who in our conversation told me you were her old flame
     G                           C              G
Well I didn't want to listen but as she told me more
                                D7        G
I learned more about you than I ever knew before

[ Tab from: ]
You're keeping too many secrets from me 
But baby now I'm wise to you 
You'll fool me like the others 
    C                  G
And I know what you'll do
       C                   G
You'll find yourself a new love 
     C         D7     G
Then keep me a secret too

Well I walked up to a counter to buy some cigarettes
                                   A7            D7
And standing there beside me was a gal I'd never met
    G                         C             G
She pulled out her wallet and much to my surprise
                                 D7              G
There she held your picture baby right before my eyes

repeat #2

       C                   G
You'll find yourself a new love 
     C         D7     G
Then keep me a secret too
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