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Paramore - In The Mourning chords

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My first tab, please don't judge :)

Capo 3 fret

Intro: C Em-A9 (x2)
[ Tab from: ]
C                  Em    A9
you escape like a runaway train
C                  Em   A9
off the tracks and down again 
C                        Em        A9       C   Em   A9
my hearts beating like a steam boat tugging all your burdens
C  Em  A9
on my shoulders
       C   Em       D
in the mourning i'll rise
       C   Em        D
in the mourning i'll let you die 
      C  Em  A9         C Em A9 
in the mourning. all my w-orr-y.
C                       Em        A9
now there's nothing but time that's wasted
C                      Em  A9
and words that have no backbone
C                     Em         A9
Now it seems like the whole worlds waiting
C       Em   A9  C  Em  A9
can you hear the echoes fading
       C   Em       D
in the mourning i'll rise
       C   Em         D
in the mourning i'll let you die
       C  Em A9         C Em A9
in the mourning. all my s-orr-y's.

There's no real end not or anything but its sounds good to just play an Em at the end :)
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