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Old Crow Medicine Show - Humdinger chords

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Humdinger by Old Crow Medicine Show

Transcribed by DWdrummer67. This is a slightly different version than
ARollingStone's. His/hers is really good, but I think it's a little easier
to transistion between the D and Cadd9, than from the D to C. Either way
sounds fine to me. You can even leave the pinky finger off on the low e in
the Cadd9 and get good fast results. Enjoy!

Tuning: Standard

Intro: D, D, D, Cadd9, D, D, D, Cadd9, D, D, D, Cadd9, D, D, D, Cadd9

DCadd9 DCadd9 D�                                               
Party of the century� no cops allowed 
DCadd9  D�                      
Just me and seven hundred others� come on, join the crowd

We got wine, whiskey, women and guns
How can you afford to not to be havin� any fun
        G                             Cadd9
If you got a gal, bring 'er� and we�ll all have a humdinger

D, D, D, Cadd9, D, D, D, Cadd9

D                        Cadd9 D                            Cadd9 D
Naked horseshoes without care� body surfing on a river of beer
D                                      Cadd9  D
All the neighbors are saying their prayers� we'll lift our glasses high in the air
[ Tab from: ]
We got wine, whiskey, women and guns
How can you afford to not to be havin� any fun
           G                         Cadd9
If you�re not a right wing 'er� we�ll all have a humdinger

Break: D, D, D, Cadd9, D, D, D, Cadd9, D, D, D, Cadd9, D, D, D, Cadd9
D, Cadd9, D, Cadd9, D, Cadd9, D, G, Cadd9, D, G, Cadd9, D

D                           Cadd9 D                                Cadd9 D
Making Mardi Gras look like work� the belly dancers have gone berserk
D                                    Cadd9 D
The morning's here, we're all still awake� just looking for some more drugs to take

Happened on a mound of fire ants� only lost a shoe and a pair of pants
Went down hard, got up like a champ� to see a biker dancing on my amp
           G                           Cadd9
If you're not a folk singer� then we�ll all have a humdinger

D, D, D, Cadd9, D, D, D, Cadd9

           G                           Cadd9
If you're not a folk singer� then we�ll all have a humdinger

Outro: D, D, D, Cadd9, D, D, D, Cadd9, D, D, D, Cadd9, D, D, D, Cadd9
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