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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Muse - Soldiers Poem tab


  Throw             it    all                  a-

  way.              Let's  lose ourselves      cause there's

  no         one          left   for us    to 

blame.  It's a shame we're all dying.       And do

  you         think you deserve your  freedom?

  How           could you send              us  

[ Tab from: ]
  all               far away from home?       When you

  know        damn        well   that this  is 

 all. I would still lay down my life for you, and do

  you         think you deserve your  freedom?

  No               I don't think            you 

  do.                      There's no justice

  In                   the world             There's no

  ju-         stice in the world        And there never

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