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Morrissey - In The Future When Alls Well tab

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This is the first time I've tried doing tab / chords, but I couldn't find a good one for 
song anywhere so I tried to do it myself. There are plenty of mistakes so feel free to 
and improve on it.

Intro riff:

E / Esus4  (or something similar)


Armed with wealth and
The best of health
F#m                 G#m     B
In the future when all�s well

Intro riff


E               G#m
I will lie down and be counted
F#m                G#m      B
In the future when all�s well

Pre Chorus:

Oooh Oooh

I thank you
A                          E
I thank you with all of my heart
I thank you
A                          E
I thank you with all of my heart
[ Tab from: ]
E    F#m    G#m
Lee, please stand up and defend me
A                   B
In the future when all�s well
E  F#m   G#m
Confront what you are afraid of
A              B
In the future when all�s well

Every day I play a sad game called
In the future when all�s well
Living longer than I had intended
Something must have gone right

Pre Chorus:
I thank you
I thank you with all of my heart
I thank you
I thank you with all of my heart

Lee, please stand up and defend me
In the future when all�s well
Confront what you are afraid of
In the future when all�s well



E       F#m     G#m
Hold me closely if your will allows it
A                  B
In the future when all�s well
F#m        G#m
Pawed till I can barely stand it
A             B           E    F#m   G#m
The future is ended by a long, long sleep
A             B           E    F#m   G#m
The future is ended by a long, long sleep
A             B           B7      E
The future is ended by a long sleep

Phil Hughes      October 06
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