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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Morrissey - Ammunition tab


Tabbed by Thanks to Jose Benitez for the basis of the work

INTRO     (X2)      
   G         C        A          D        Em      C6           C        G       

  C        G          C       G           A        D          B        E   
(1) I know these roads, each ridge & narrow bridge, Each every one 	      en-ticing   me on, each one	
(2) I know these roads, an old  hand understands,   Above   all       I  	know what's expected of me
(3) I've been crying. It comes back hard these Savior Days           and it stays        and it says 

[ Tab from: ]
  C6                   D                  G       C           A        D
   inside,   I take in my stride                     I don't need more ammu -nition         I've got
   now....     veering cliffward                       I don't need more ammu -nition         I've got
  "We've never really been away"                     I don't need more ammu -nition         I've got
  Em       C           C        G         G       C           A        D
   more    than     I can  spend                     I don't dwell on things I'm  missing   I'm just
   more    than     I can  spend                     I don't dwell on things I'm  missing   I'm just
   more    than     I can  spend                     I don't think  of  who  I'm  missing   I'm just

  Em       C           D        C         G       C           D        C  
  Pleased with the things I've found           with the things I've found        I've found
  Pleased with the things I've found           with the things I've found        I've found
  Pleased with the things I've found           with the things I've found        I've found

INTERLUDE     (X2)      
   G11      C9        A9         D        Em      C6           C        G       
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