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Hey, this is a pretty cool song! Enjoy! alexej_01@hotmail.com for comments E G A E I am here to admit, the world aint what it seems to be, E G A E It should be a place of love and happiness, E G A E G Instead it痴 a world of darkness and the only person to change it, D D Is you E G A E We all need to love sometimes, E G A E However strong we are, I admit it me too, E G A E G Were you born to save us all, I swear I値l help, D D You too, E E A E Nothing they say will stop you now you have us, E G A E We will burn this world down, E G A E G And start from the beginning one last time, D D Save you, D G C G Now you値l never walk alone again, D G C G No you値l never walk alone (never walk alone) D G C G You値l always walk with us (walk with us) D D G C G Because now you値l never walk alone (never walk alone), D G C G And now you値l never be alone (never be alone again), [ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/m/misc-unsigned-bands/89249.html ] E G A E From the whole world, we値l take our friends, E G A E We値l save the good people, who deserve it, E G A E G And the rest will be up to a God because he judges not me, D D And You E G A E We are strong together like a group of fighters, E G A E And we won稚 leave anyone behind, E G A E G With your help we can be one together, all D D With you, D G C G Now you値l never walk alone again, D G C G No you値l never walk alone (never walk alone) D G C G You値l always walk with us (walk with us) D D G C G Because now you値l never walk alone (never walk alone), D G C G And now you値l never be alone (never be alone again), E G A E One last time I say to you and everyone out there, E G A E If you池e not with us you池e against us, E G A E G That means everyone will die and burn in hell, D D Apart from you, D G C G Now you値l never walk alone again, D G C G No you値l never walk alone (never walk alone) D G C G You値l always walk with us (walk with us) D D G C G Because now you値l never walk alone (never walk alone), D G C G And now you値l never be alone (never be alone again), ![]()