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actually played on a ukulele but can be played on a guitar! Capo 5 D When I bought a ukulele G I hoped I find online maybe D A find a youtube video tutorial D So I found one or maybe two G And learnt to play a tune D A On my new favourite instrument G A Since I got my ukulele [G A I have played it every day and daily G A Im surgically attactched D To my ukulele D I never put it down G I take it when I go down town D A I love to take it everywhere D G And when passing people see me D Playing on my ukulele A They usually stop to stare [ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/m/misc-unsigned-bands/221634.html ] G A Since I got my ukulele G A I have played it every day and daily G A Im surgically attactched D To my ukulele Bm G So even if I need a little practice A Thats fine cause I never put it down Bm G And even if Im not perfect A You wont have to look far A To find the small guitar D If Im near itll be around D I go to a camp called kadimah G Theres a girl there you really should have been there D A She saw I never put down my small guitar D she said, Im surgically attached G D A to my uke which I cant be extracked from G A and this was said by Rachel Shahar G A said I can't put down the small guitar G she said you know if Im around A because of the ukulele sound G A D cause Im surgically attached to my ukulele ![]()