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Misc Traditional - Down In The Valley Birmingham Jail tab

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these lyrics are from the movie "Stir Crazy" although there are many versions for the lyrics

F                                 C
Down in the valley, the valley so low
               C7 C                F
Hang your head over, hear the wind blow
F                                       C
Hear the wind blow, love, hear the wind blow
               C7 C
Hang your head over, hear the wind blow
[ Tab from: ]
Roses love sunshine, violets love dew
Angels in heaven, know I love you
If you don�t love me, love who you please
Put your arms �round me, if my heart aches

If my heart aches, love, if my heart aches
Put your arms �round me, if my heart aches
Write me a letter, send it by mail
Send it in care of the Birmingham jail

Birmingham jail. love, Birmingham jail
send it in care of, the Birmingham jail

this song is very easy, and awesome.  for the best version paste this link

the link is just singing but sung amazing.  for the rythym, keep it simple.  i put a
on the 4th fret but u can play it anywhere.
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