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Misc Traditional - I Know Who Holds Tomorrow chords

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I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
(Words by Ira Stanphill, 1950) 
[ Tab from: ]
G  C  D  G
        G             G7
I don�t know about tomorrow;
       C                G
I just live from day to day.
        C               G
I don�t borrow from its sunshine
        A7                D
For its skies may turn to grey.
        G              G7
I don�t worry o�er the future,
      C               G
For I know what Jesus said.
      C                G
And today I�ll walk beside Him,
       G   D          G
For He knows what is ahead.
     C               G
Many things about tomorrow
        A7           D
I don�t seem to understand
      G                C
But I know who holds tomorrow
      G  D              G
And I know who holds my hand.
      G                 G7
Every step is getting brighter
       C               G
As the golden stairs I climb;
      C                G
Every burden�s getting lighter,
      A7              D
Every cloud is silver-lined.
          G             G7
There the sun is always shining,
         C                 G
There no tear will dim the eye;
       C             G
At the ending of the rainbow
          G     D             G
Where the mountains touch the sky.
     C              G
Many things about tomorrow
        A7             D
I don�t seem to understand
      G                C
But I know who holds tomorrow
      G  D              G
And I know who holds my hand.
        G          G7
I don�t know about tomorrow;
       C             G
It may bring me poverty.
        C                   G
But the one who feeds the sparrow,
       A7                D
Is the one who stands by me.
         G               G7
And the path that is my portion
       C                    G
May be through the flame or flood;
        C               G
But His presence goes before me
        G    D           G
And I�m covered with His blood.
     C              G
Many things about tomorrow
        A7            D
I don�t seem to understand
      G                C
But I know who holds tomorrow
      G  D              G
And I know who holds my hand.
      G                C
Yes I know who holds tomorrow
      G  D              G
And I know who holds my hand.
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