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I'm not sure why the song is called, "They Live In You", but you know---who cares. This song is beautiful for worship, but I saw one tab i thought was improper, so i made my corrections and this is what I think sounds good :) CAPO 4 The chords are the same the whole way through. Its easy to figure out. The only part that is different is when you hold out the F before repeating the chorus. C2 Night G F And the spirit of life calling G Mamela And a voice With the fear of a child asking Mamela (in this empty space in the song stay on the C2) [ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/m/misc-cartoons/382894.html ] (Right before this second verse is repeated play the C2 G F G as the interlude) C2 Wait G There's no mountain too great F Hear these words and have faith G Have faith Chorus: C2 He lives in you G He lives in me F He watches over G Everything we see C2 Into the Water G Into the Truth F In your reflection F He lives in you Interlude: C2 G F G ![]() |