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Midnight choir - Will you carry me across the water am G am am Will you carry me across the water for being true? am G am am Will you carry me across the water for being true? am G am am I've been digging a hole in the water for me and you am G am am Will you carry me across the water for being true? C em laa laaaa laaaa laa laa laaaaaa am G am am Will you carry me across the water for being true? [ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/m/midnight-choir/218856.html ] am G am am There's a hole in the water, me and you am G am am There's a home somewhere beyond the perfect blue am G am am I've seen the raindrops falling and I know it's true am G am am They've been digging a hole in the water for me and you C em laa laaaa laaaa laa laa laaaaaa am G am am They've been digging a hole in the water for me and you am G am am Voices of prophets have spoken thru history am G am am Forces of such power is not known to me am G am am Many among us, many known to thee am G am am Did you carry them across the water for being free? C em laa laaaa laaaa laa laa laaaaaa am G am am Did you carry them across the water for being free? am G am am Will you carry me across the water for being true? (*3) am G am am I've been digging a hole in the water for me and you am am (fading) For me and you... ![]() |