Guitaretab - guitar tabs
Song name
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Metallica - Wherever I May Roam tab

                               M E T A L L I C A


                     W H E R E V E R   I   M A Y   R O A M

                    (c) Elektra/Vertigo/Universal Records (1991)

                                 Standard Tuning
                                   E A D G B E

                                  Tempo = 66 BPM
                               Time Signature = 4/4

                                 Transcribed by

                                 PADDY MCMULLAN
                           pmtabs (@t) gmail [dot] com

                                   Version 1.0
                                 30th August 2012

                             Tablature Symbols Used:

 P.M.. ... -  Palm Mute
 h         -  Hammer-on
 p         -  Pull-off
 4 b 5     -  Bend Up
 5 r 4     -  Release Bend
 pb19      -  Pre-bend (Bend to the note before striking it)
 T         -  Right-hand tapping
 7t8       -  Trill
 8~~       -  Vibrato (Whammy bar use is indicated where required)
 \         -  Slide Down to/Down From
 /         -  Slide Up to/Up From
 ( / )     -  Legato Slide
 ( )       -  Ghost Note/Tied Note/Implied Note
 xx\xx\    -  Fret Noise & Random Slides to/from Nowhere
 x         -  Muted Note/Dead Note
 REST      -  Rest, and sustain rest for duration of blank space
 |_3_|     -  Triplet Note(s)
 |------|  -  Let Notes Ring
  19///    -  Tremolo Picking
 *         -  Staccato Note (Bring indicated note to an abrupt end)

                                Chords Used

               Fsus2      Em        Em        A#       A#/G
                1         1         3         1         1
                1         2         2         4         4
                4         4                   4         4
                3         3                   4         4
                1         1                   1         1

Important Notes: I had to tab the guitar solos in "half time" speed in order to
                 make each bar fit on the page in a printable form.  In other
                 words, each bar is split into two and each note is doubled in
                 length to conform to an 80-character horizontal limit.

                 During the tapping sections when you encounter a T it indicates
                 a 17th fret being tapped and immediately pulled-off onto the
                 note under the T.  The 17 note is barely existent in time and
                 in an effort to save space it has been left out - the only time
                 a note is tapped during the song is when it's a 17th fret note.

Intro Part 1: Guitars 3 & 4 w/ Clean Tone/Sitar Effect    [ Time 00:00 - 00:30 ]

Guitar 3:

||--R--            --|--  ----------------------------------|
||--E--            --|--  --9-9h10-9~~---- /-12-(12/14)-10--|
||--S--            --|--  ----------------------------------|
||--T--            --|--  ----------------------------------|

|---------------------------|--  ----------------------------------|
|--9---9-9h10-9~~-----------|--  --9-9h10-9~~---- /-12-(12/14)-10--|
|---------------------------|--  ----------------------------------|
|---------------------------|--  ----------------------------------|

|--9---9-9h10-9~~-----------|------9-9h10-9~~--- /-12-(12/14)-\10--|

| |----------------| |--------| |
| |----------------| |--    --| |
|3|--9~~-----------|2|--    --|4|
|/|----------------|/|--    --|/|
|4|----------------|4|--    --|4|
| |----------------| |--------| |

Guitar 4:

||--R--            --|----------------------------------|
||--E--            --|----------------------------------|
||--S--            --|-----------------------5-(5/7)----|
||--T--            --|------ /7-7h8-7~~--------------8--|

|--7---7-7h8-7~~-----------|------ /7-7h8-7~~--------------8--|

|--7---7-7h8-7~~-----------|------ /7-7h8-7~~--------------8--|

| |---------------| |----------| |
| |---------------| |--      --| |
|3|---------------|2|--      --|4|
|/|---------------|/|--      --|/|
|4|--7------------|4|--      --|4|
| |--0------------| |----------| |

Intro Part 2: Guitars 1 & 2 w/ Heavy Distortion           [ Time 00:30 - 00:48 ]

Guitar 1:

//     Segue      \\
| |---------------| |-----------------------------------|
| |--R--  --------| |-----------------------------------|
|2|--E--  --------|4|-----------------------------------|
|/|--S--  --------|/|-----------------------5-(5/7)-----|
|4|--T--  --12\ --|4|--2--- /7-7h8-7~~--------------8~~-|
| |---------12\ --| |--0--------------------------------|

|------ /7-7h8-7---------- \--|--2--- /7-7h8-7~~--------------8~~-|

|--------------------------| |-----------------------| |
|--------------------------| |-----------------------| |
|------ /7-7h8-7-----------|4|--(7)- \-7--8--9--10\ -|4|
|--0-----------------------| |---------5--6--7--8 \ -| |

Guitar 2:

//     Segue      \\
| |---------------| |-------------------|------------------|-------------------|
| |--R--  --------| |-------------------|------------------|-------------------|
|2|--E--  --------|4|-------------------|------------------|-------------------|
|/|--S--  --------|/|-------------------|------------------|-------------------|
|4|--T--  --12\ --|4|--2----------------|--(2)-------------|--2----------------|
| |---------12\ --| |--0----------------|--(0)-------------|--0----------------|

|-------------------| |-----------------------| |
|-------------------| |-----------------------| |
|--(2)--------------|4|--(2)---/7--8--9--10\ -|4|
|--(0)--------------| |--(0)---/5--6--7--8 \ -| |

Part 1: Guitars 1 & 2                                     [ Time 00:48 - 01:11 ]

||--2---- /7-7-8-(7t8)----------------8~~-|--7---- /7-7-8-(7t8)--7--8--9--10\ -|
||--0--0----------------0--0--------------|--0--0----------------5--6--7--8 \ -|
      ...                 ...                  ...

|--2---- /7-7-8-(7t8)----------------8~~-|--7---- /7-7-8-(7t8)--7--8--9--10\ -|
|--0--0----------------0--0--------------|--0--0----------------5--6--7--8 \ -|
     ...                 ...                  ...

|--5-6-7-7-7h8--(7t8)---------------8~~-|--7---- /7-7-8-(7t8)--7--8--9--10\ -|
|----------------------0--0-------------|--0--0----------------5--6--7--8 \ -|
   .......               ...                 ...

| |--------------| |
| |--------------| |
| |--------------| |

In the 5th bar only Guitar 1 hits the ghost note on the D-string

Guitar 2 plays the following during the last 1/4 bar:

| |----------| |
| |------R --| |
|1|------E --|4|
|/|------S --|/|
|4|--12--T --|4|
| |--10------| |

Part 2: Guitars 1, 2 & 3                                  [ Time 01:11 - 02:04 ]

Guitars 1 & 2:

                        ....                      .......

|-----3---------------7\ ---|--2----------------|--8----------------|
|--1------------------7\ ---|--0----------------|--6----------------|



|-- /6--6~~-7~~-8~~------------------------|

|------------------------------------------| |----------------| |
|------------------------------------------| |----------------| |
|----------------8~~--7----- /7-7-8-(7t8)--|4|--7--8--9--10\ -|4|
|--0--0---------------0--0-----------------| |--5--6--7--8 \ -| |
     ...                ...

Guitar 3: Let notes ring

                       [ Fsus2 ]                     [ Em ]
||--R              --|------------8----------------|----------8--------------|
||--E              --|--------10--10---------------|----------9--------------|
||--S              --|-----------------------------|-----9-------------------|
||--T              --|--8--------------------------|--7-----7----------------|

  [ Fsus2 ]
|-------------8--------------|--       --|--      --|--       --|--       --|
|--------10---10-------------|--       --|--      --|--       --|--       --|
|----------------------------|--       --|--      --|--       --|--       --|
|--8-------------------------|--       --|--      --|--       --|--       --|

  [ Em ]                    [ A# ]                  [ A#/G ]

  [ A# ]
|--------------------------|-----------|----------| |----------| |
|--------3-----------3-----|--       --|--      --| |--      --| |
|-----------3-----------3--|--       --|--      --|2|--      --|4|
|-----3-----------3--------|--       --|--      --|/|--      --|/|
|--1-----------1-----------|--       --|--      --|4|--      --|4|
|--------------------------|-----------|----------| |----------| |

(And the road becomes my bride)
And the road becomes my bride!
I have stripped of all but pride
So in her I do confide
And she keeps me satisfied
Gives me all I need

And with dust in throat I crave
Only knowledge will I save
To the game you stay a slave
Rover, wanderer, nomad, vagabond
Call me what you will

Part 3: Guitars 1 & 2                                     [ Time 02:04 - 02:22 ]

||--3--3--3--3--3--3--3--3- /7-8-(7t8)--|
          ....     ....

|-----2--2--2--2--2--2--2- /7-8-(7t8)--|--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8- /7-8-(7t8)--|
         ....     ....                          ....     ....

|--7-----------------\ |--5---------------10\ -||
|--5---------------- \ |--3---------------10\ -||

But I'll take my time anywhere
Free to speak my mind anywhere
And I'll redefine anywhere
Anywhere I roam
Where I lay my head is home

Part 4: Repeat Part 1                                     [ Time 02:22 - 02:38 ]

Part 5: Repeat Part 2 with the following variations       [ Time 02:38 - 03:24 ]

||--2----------------|-----3-------------- /7\ ---|--2----------------|
||--0----------------|--1----------------- /7\ ---|--0----------------|



|-- /6---6~~-7~~-8~~------------------------|

|------------------------------------------| |----------------| |
|------------------------------------------| |----------------| |
|----------------8~~--7----- /7-7-8-(7t8)--|4|--7--8--9--10\ -|4|
|--0--0---------------0--0-----------------| |--5--6--7--8 \ -| |
     ...                ...

Guitar 3: Let notes ring

              [ Fsus2 ]
||--R     --|-----------8----------|--      --|--     --|--      --|--      --|
||--E     --|-------10--10---------|--      --|--     --|--      --|--      --|
||--S     --|----------------------|--      --|--     --|--      --|--      --|
||--T     --|--8-------------------|--      --|--     --|--      --|--      --|

  [ Em ]                    [ A# ]                 [ A#/G ]

  [ A# ]
|--------------------------|-----------|----------| |----------| |
|--------3-----------3-----|--       --|--      --| |--      --| |
|-----------3-----------3--|--       --|--      --|2|--      --|4|
|-----3-----------3--------|--       --|--      --|/|--      --|/|
|--1-----------1-----------|--       --|--      --|4|--      --|4|
|--------------------------|-----------|----------| |----------| |

Guitar Fill: With Distortion, Wha and Slider

  "By myself but not alone"
||--              --------|--------------------||
||--              -- /15--|---(15)-------------||
||--              -- /15--|---(15)-------------||
||--              --------|--------------------||

(And the earth becomes my throne)
And the earth becomes my throne!
I adapt to the unknown
Under wandering stars I've grown
By myself but not alone
I ask no one

And my ties are severed clean
The less I have the more I gain
Off the beaten path I reign
Rover, wanderer, nomad, vagabond
Call me what you will

Part 6: Repeat Part 3 with the following variations       [ Time 03:24 - 03:42 ]

Play the riff as is, replacing only the final bar with the following:

Guitar 1:


Guitar 2:


But I'll take my time anywhere
Free to speak my mind anywhere
And I'll redefine anywhere
Anywhere I roam
Where I lay my head is home

Part 7 (Interlude):  Guitars 1, 2 & Fill            [ Time 03:42 - 03:57 ]

Guitar 1:

||--2----- /7-7h8-(7t8)-----------------------|

|-----------------------------------------------| |
|-----------------------------------------------| |
|----------------------4--5-- /8-9- /11h12-8~~--|*|
|----------------6--7---------------------------|*| x 2
|--2---0-- /7-8---------------------------------| |
|--0---0----------------------------------------| |
      ...   ...............

Guitar 2:

[ Tab from: ]
||--2----- /7-7h8-(7t8)-----------------------|

|----------------------4--5-- /8-9- /11h12-8~~--|
|--2---0-- /7-8---------------------------------|
      ...   ...............

|--------------------------------4h5 /8~~--|

|---------------4--5-- /8-9- /11-12-------11~~-|

Guitar Fill:

||-----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |
||-----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |
||--2--2--------2--------2-----------|-----2--------2--------2-------1---|*| x 2
||--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2-------3---|-----2--2--2--2--2--2--2-----------| |
||--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--1---1-|--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--2---2-| |
          ....     ....    ...                ....     ....    ...

Part 8:  Repeat Part 3 with the following variations      [ Time 03:57 - 04:15 ]

||--3--3--3--3--3--3--3--3- /7-8-(7t8)--|
          ....     ....

|-----2--2--2--2--2--2--2- /7-8-(7t8)--|--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8- /7-8-(7t8)--|
         ....     ....                          ....     ....

|--7---------------- \ |--5--------------x-12\ -||
|--5---------------- \ |--3--------------x-12\ -||

But I'll take my time anywhere
Free to speak my mind
And I'll redefine anywhere
Anywhere I roam
Where I lay my head is home

Part 9 (Guitar Solo 1):  Guitars 1, 2 & Lead Guitar       [ Time 04:15 - 04:56 ]

Guitars 1 & 2:

||--2---- /7-7-8-(7t8)----------------8~~-|--7---- /7-7-8-(7t8)--7--8--9--10\ -|
||--0--0----------------0--0--------------|--0--0----------------5--6--7--8 \ -|
      ...                 ...                  ...

|--2---- /7-7-8-(7t8)----------------8~~-|--7---- /7-7-8-(7t8)--7--8--9--10--|
     ...                 ...                  ...

| |---------| |-------------|-----------------------|-------------------------|
| |-----R- -| |-------------|-----------------------|-------------------------|
|1|-----E- -|4|-------------|-----------------------|-------------------------|
|/|-----S- -|/|-------------|------8----------------|--------5----------------|
|4|--12-T- -|4|--2----------|----8------------------|------5------------------|
| |--10-----| |--0----------|--6--------------------|-- /3--------------------|

|--6--------------------|-- /6--6~~-7~~-8~~--------------------|

|-----------------------------------------|-------------------     -----||
|-----------------------------------------|----------------7--     -----||
|--------5-(5/7)-----9--------------------|----------------7--     -----||
|----------------8~~-7----- /7-7-8-(7t8)--|--7--8--9--10\ -5--     -7\ -||
|--0--0--------------0--0-----------------|--5--6--7--8 \ ----------7\ -||
     ...               ...

Lead Guitar: with Distortion and Wha Pedal

||--12---  \-------------------------|
||--12---  \-------------------------|
||------------- /9~~------9- /10~~---|

|------ /9--(9h12p9)-9-12-12p9-10p9-----------|
|--x\--------------------------------10p9-11p |

|---------12-  \---------------------------|-----------------------------------|
|---------12-  \---------------------------|-----------15-(15b17r15)-(15b17)~~-|
| -9--------------- /(9b10r9)------9- /10~-|-(10)---x\-------------------------|
|----10/ -----------------------10---------|--------x\-------------------------|

   T         T         T  T         T
|--16p 13p12h16p 13p12h16-16p 13p12h16p 13p|

       T         T         T  T         T
|12h16-16p 13p12h16p 13p12h16-16p 13p12h16p 13p12-|

 T                   T            T     T          T
|15p 13p12h15p 13p12h15p 13p12h15-13h15-13p12h15p13p12-|

 T           T  T

                         Whammy bar vibrato
| |-----------------| |---------------------------------|
| |--(15b17 r15)----| |--(15 b 17)~~-----(15b17r15)--12-|
| |-----------------| |---------------------------------|


|---------18p17-17~~---17 h18p17-----------------12--12-12-|

|--(12/15)-15-15~~-------------- \--|
|--(12/15)-15-15~~-------------- \--|
|--(12/15)-15-15~~-------------- \--|

|--15--15--12--13--14-14/15-15/16-16/17-17/18-18/19-19/20-20/21-21/ |
|--14--14--11--12--13-13/14-14/15-15/16-16/17-17/18-18/19-19/20-20/ |

|---------------(22b24r22)-(22b24r22b24)~~ \-|


|--19p16\ 13-13h16p13-12-12-13p12----12----------|

||--13h15p13~~----------- \----||

Part 10:   Repeat Part 3 with the following variations    [ Time 04:56 - 05:22 ]

||--3--3--3--3--3--3--3--3- /7-8-(7t8)--|
          ....     ....

|-----2--2--2--2--2--2--2- /7-8-(7t8)--|--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8- /7-8-(7t8)--|
         ....     ....                          ....     ....

|--7----------------- \|--5----------------|--3----------------|
|--5----------------- \|--3----------------|--3----------------|


But I'll take my time anywhere
Free to speak my mind anywhere
And I'll redefine anywhere
Anywhere I roam
Where I lay my head is home
Carved upon my stone
My body lies but still I roam

Outro/Guitar Solo 2: Guitars 1, 2 & Lead Guitar           [ Time 05:22 - 06:44 ]

Guitars 1 & 2: Repeat until fade

||--------------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |
||--------------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |
||--2---- /7-7-8-(7t8)--------------8~~-|--7---- /7-7-8-(7t8)--7--8--9--10--| |
||--0--0---------------0--0-------------|--0--0----------------5--6--7--8---| |
      ...                ...                 ...

After the first time replace the first bar with the following:

    .......              ...

On the 5th and 10th repeats replace the first bar with the following:

    .......          ...

Lead Guitar: Enters at 05:53, after 3 repeats of the above

    T      T  T   T          T     T  T     T      T
||--16p 13h12h16h 13p12h16h--13p12h16h13p12h16p 13p12h16-|

  T         T      T  T          T     T     T  T
|-13p12h16--16p 13-12h16p 13p12h16p 13-12h16-16-16p 13-|




   T         T         T  T         T      T   
|--16p 13p12-16p 13p12-16-16p 13p12-16p 12-16-|

  T         T         T               T
|-16p 13p12-16p 13p12-16p 13p12-12-12----------------|


|-----------------------------------------------------12///----- /16-|

|--(16)///--17///----19///---- /22///----|






   *  *  *  *  |__3___|
|-----------15----------15----15-13-12------13p |






  |__3___|       |__3_|


Wherever I may roam
Wherever I may roam
Wherever I may roam
Wherever I may roam
Wherever I may wander
Wander, wander
Wherever I may roam
Wherever I may roam
Wherever I may roam


Tab summary:        Intro Part 1
                    Intro Part 2
                    Part 1
                    Part 2
                    Part 3
                    Part 4
                    Part 5
                    Part 6
                    Part 7 (Interlude)
                    Part 8
                    Part 9 (Guitar Solo 1)
                    Part 10
                    Outro/Guitar Solo 2

Related for Wherever I May Roam tab