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Matthew Good - Empty Road tab

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Matthew Good � �Empty Road�                                Em7 [022033]
Album: White Light Rock and Roll Review                    C   [x32010]
Tuned down 1/2 step                                        G   [320033]
                                                           G/F [2x0033]


Verse Strumming Pattern [ \ =downstroke , / = upstroke ]

\ \ \/\/.\ \ \/\/.\ \ \/\/.\/ /\/\/
Em7      C        G        G/F

Em7      C            G   G/F
[ Tab from: ]
Em7      C            G   G/F
Throw away your anger
Em7      C            G   G/F
Throw away the sheath
Em7            C          G       G/F
Charge and spike your heavy guns
                       Em7            C G G/F
'Cause that ain't no kind of belief

Em7         C        G    G/F
Dream of when it left you
     Em7           C          G  G/F
When you were still too young
   Em7           C                  G               G/F
To know the difference between the faith in your heart
         Em7             C       G G/F   C
And the politics of looking dumb         Ah

C           G  G/F   C
Ah, yeah, It's all i know
C    G  G/F   C
This empty road
   Em7           C           G            G/F
It keeps me looking for a place in your heart
     G  G/F   C
It's all i know

So brother are you weary?
Sister are you safe?
Has this world got you thinking
That it ain't nothing but a jailless cage?

Child there ain't no worries
And child there ain't no thing
'Cause this world's too old to hate you
And too young to give up spring

It�s all I know
This empty road
It keeps me looking for a place in your heart 
It keeps me looking for a place in your heart 
It keeps me looking for a place in your heart It�s all I know
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