Band: Machine Head
Song: Be Still And Know
Album: Unto The Locust (2011)
Tuning: C# Standard (C#, F#, B, E, G#, C#)
Machine Head don't play in C# standard precisely... They are tuned to
C# Standard but then tuned up 40 cents sharper
On a Korg tuner it would look something like this
50 x 50#
The 'x' is where you want to be tuned to
I hope that helps anyway... xD
Also comment, correct, and please, please rate!!!
On further note... Look forward to the other songs from Unto The Locust!
I plan to put them here as soon as I've figured them out
Guitar 1: Robb Flynn
Guitar 2: Phil Demmel
Tabbing Legend
Hammer on: h
Pull off: p
Slide up: /
Slide down: \
Natural Harmonic: NH
Return Bend: ^
Bend: BU(?)
Pinch Harmonic: PH
Tapped Note: T
Whammy bar dive: WBD
Whammy bar rise: WBR
Slight bend: sb
Volume Swell: VS
Trill: tr
(Guitar 2 plays the intro riff 4 times alone, then Guitar 1 comes in with the
Volume Swell rhythm for 8 times and then finally Guitar 1 plays the harmony
For the last 4 times)
Guitar 2
|-12-0-7-0-12-0-10-0-8-0-7-0-5-0-2-0-3-0-5-0-3-0-2-0-| x 16
Guitar 1
Guitar 1
|-19-0-15-0-19-0-17-0-15-0-14-0-17-0-14-0-15-0-17-0-15-0-14-0-| x 4
Verse 1
Both guitars
Verse 2
Both guitars
Verse 3
Both guitars
Chorus 1
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
|-12-0-7-0-12-0-10-0-8-0-7-0-5-0-2-0-3-0-5-0-3-0-2-0-| x 8
Repeat Verse 1
Repeat Verse 2
Repeat Chorus 1
Repeat Intro (Guitar 1 and 2 harmony)
Solo 1
Guitar 1 (Rhythm)
Guitar 2
Solo 2
Guitar 2 (Rhythm)
Guitar 1
||-19h20p19p17-20-20p19p17-19h20p19p17-20-20p19p17-|| x2
[ Tab from: ]
Harmonised Solo
Part 1
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Part 2
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Part 1
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Part 2
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Verse 4
Both guitars
Repeat Verse 2
Repeat Verse 3
Chorus 2
Guitar 1
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
|-12-0-7-0-12-0-10-0-8-0-7-0-5-0-2-0-3-0-5-0-3-0-2-0-| x 8
Outro (Slow down towards the forth time)
Guitar 1
|-19-0-15-0-19-0-17-0-15-0-14-0-17-0-14-0-15-0-17-0-15-0-14-0-| x 4
Guitar 2
|-12-0-7-0-12-0-10-0-8-0-7-0-5-0-2-0-3-0-5-0-3-0-2-0-| x 4
That's all, please rate :)