Guitaretab - guitar tabs
Song name
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Linkin Park - Meteora tab

[Linkin Park]


Tunings Used:
C#G#C#F#A#D# (Drop D, down half a step)
D#G#C#F#A#D# (Half a step down)

Kay..yea its been like 5 years since Meteora lol. and yeaa thers aleady
like 9 other album tabs. But none of them are great. None of them go into
detail, they have like a different tuning for every song, and most of
them just stole other peoples' tabs. Mine is the exact opposite :P:P

I did this today basically lol. i just sat thru n learned it all the
right way. So hear ya go! all in regular LP tuning, songs written to some
of the tinniest details, completely original, and (i like to think :P) its
organized better than some of the other ones lol (IMO hehe).

Symbols are listed at the bottum, thers nothin to unusual lol. cept that
rediculous intro to Figure.09 haha. Use the times! they're very useful,
they show where the slightest changes in the song are, exactly. Please dont
cut this off in the accepting process lol, thers some stuff here thats not
in any a the other tabs :P if its actually terrible just let the comments
n ratings do the bashing! its still a good reference...

Note: Somwhere I Belong is the only song tabbed in D#G#C#F#A#D#. this is
simply because thers a harmonic used you cannot hit when its tuned to
C#G#C#F#A#D#. its right at 01:04. if you disagree, converting shouldnt be that hard lol

Also, yea i got lazy..i only tabbed the riffs. what you see you will need
to reapeat! again that makes excellant use of the timess! srry :P it
kept the size of this tab decent thoo.

Other than that, Enjoi!

Meteora - [36:35] ----------------------------------------------------------
1. Foreword
2. Don't Stay
3. Somewhere I Belong
4. Lying From You
5. Hit The Floor
6. Easier To Run
7. Faint
8. Figure.09
9. Breaking The Habit
10. From The Inside
11. Nobody's Listening
12. Session
13. Numb

Here Goes!

1. [Foreword] - [0:13] -----------------------------------------------------

2. [Don't Stay] - [03:08] --------------------------------------------------
Tuning: C#G#C#F#A#D#

[Riff 1] - [00:00] - [00:32]
- ---------------------|
- ---------------------|
- ---------------------|
- -555-5-1-1-333-6-5-5-|
- -333-5-1-1-333-6-5-5-|
- -555-5-1-1-333-6-5-5-|

[Riff 2] - [00:32] - [00:35]
- --------------------|
- --------------------|
- --------------------|
- -555-5-1-1-66-6-666-|
- -333-5-1-1-44-4-444-|
- -555-5-1-1-66-6-666-|
PM                ...

[Riff 1] - [00:35] - [00:43]
[Riff 2] - [00:43] - [00:45]

[Riff 3] - [00:45] - [01:07]
- -------------------------------|
- -------------------------------|
- -------------------------------|
- -55-5-555-5-6-8-33-3-333-5-1-6-|
- -33-3-333-5-6-8-33-3-333-5-1-4-|
- -55-5-555-5-6-8-33-3-333-5-1-6-|

[Riff 1] - [01:07] - [01:21]
[Riff 2] - [01:21] - [01:23]
[Riff 1] - [01:23] - [01:31]
[Riff 2] - [01:31] - [01:35]
[Riff 3] - [01:35] - [01:58]
[Riff 1] - [01:58] - [02:08]

[Riff 4a] - [02:08] - [02:16]
- --------------------|
- --------------------|
- ----------3333333/6-|
- -555-6-65-xxxxxxx-x-|
- -333-4-43-1111111/4-|
- -555-6-65-----------|
[Riff 4b] - [02:08] - [02:16]
- ----------6666666/9-|
- ----------xxxxxxx-x-|
- ----------4444444/6-|
- -555-6-65-----------|
- -333-4-43-----------|
- -555-6-65-----------|

[Riff 5a] - [02:16] - [02:18]
- --------------|
- --------------|
- ----------3br-|
- -555-6-65-x---|
- -333-4-43-1br-|
- -555-6-65-----|
[Riff 5b] - [02:16] - [02:18]
- ----------6br-|
- ----------x---|
- ----------4br-|
- -555-6-65-----|
- -333-4-43-----|
- -555-6-65-----|

[Riff 4 a + b] - [02:18] - [02:27]

[Riff 6] - [02:27] - [02:33]
- ----------------------------------------------|
- ----------------------------------------------|
- ----------------------------------------------|
- -555-6-65-66-6-666-66-6-666-66-6-666-66666666-|
- -333-4-43-44-4-444-44-4-444-44-4-444-44444444-|
- -555-6-65-66-6-666-66-6-666-66-6-666-66666666-|
PM               ...      ...      ...

[Riff 3] - [02:33] - [02:55]
[Riff 1] - [02:55] - [03:03]
[Riff 2] - [03:03] - [03:08]

3. [Somewhere I Belong] ----------------------------------------------------
Tuning: D#G#C#F#A#D#

[Noise] - [00:00] - [00:11]

[Riff 1] - [00:11] - [00:23]
- -------5---|
- ---7-----7-|
- -4---4-----|
- -----------|
- -----------|
- -----------|

[Riff 2a] - [00:23] - [00:29]
- -------------------------------------|
- -------------------------------------|
- -------------------------------------|
- -44444444-77777777-55555555-22222222-|
- -22222222-55555555-55555555-22222222-|
- -22222222-55555555-33333333-00000000-|
[Riff 2b] - [00:23] - [00:29]
- ---------------------------------------------|
- ---------------------------------------------|
- -88888888-99999999-1111111111111111-99999999-|
- -xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x--xxxxxxxx-|
- -66666666-77777777-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9--77777777-|
- ---------------------------------------------|

[Riff 3a] - [00:29] - [00:36]
- -------------------------------------|
- -------------------------------------|
- -------------------------------------|
- -44444444-77777777-22222222-22222222-|
- -22222222-55555555-00000000-22222222-|
- -22222222-55555555----------00000000-|
[Riff 3b] - [00:29] - [00:41]
- ---------------------------------------|
- ---------------------------------------|
- -88888888-99999999-66666666-444444444~-|
- -xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx--|
- -66666666-77777777-44444444-222222222~-|
- ---------------------------------------|

[Riff 1] - [00:41] - [01:04]

[Riff 4] - [01:04] - [01:05]
- ------------------|
- ------------------|
- ------------------|
- ------------------|
- ------------------|
- -7*7*7*7*7*7*7*7*-|

[Riff 2 a + b] - [01:05] - [01:23]
[Riff 3 a + b] - [01:23] - [01:31]
[Riff 1] - [01:29] - [01:53]

[Riff 5] - [01:53] - [01:54]
- ----------|
- ----------|
- ----------|
- ----------|
- ----------|
- -7*7*7*7*-|

[Riff 2 a + b] - [01:54] - [02:11]
[Riff 3 a + b] - [02:11] - [02:17]

[Riff 6a] - [02:17] - [02:29]
- ----------------------------------|
- ----------------------------------|
- ----------------------------------|
- -44------55------22------22-------|
- -22------55------00------22-------|
- -22------33--------------00-------|
[Riff 6b] - [02:17] - [02:29]
- ----------------------------------|
- ----------------------------------|
- ----1111----1111----1111----6/7\6-|
- ----x-x-----x-x-----x-x-----x-x-x-|
- ----9-9-----9-9-----9-9-----4/5\4-|
- ----------------------------------|

[Riff 7a] - [02:29] - [02:40]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------|
- ----------------------------------------------------------------|
- ----------------------------------------------------------------|
- -44------55------22------22-------44------55------22----22------|
- -22------55------00------22-------22------55------00----22------|
- -22------33--------------00-------22------33------------00------|
[Riff 7b] - [02:29] - [02:46]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------|
- ----------------------------------------------------------------|
- ----1111----1414----1111----6/7\6----1111----1111----99----6-4~-|
- ----x-x-----x-x-----x-x-----x-x-x----x-x-----x-x-----xx----x-x--|
- ----9-9-----1212----9-9-----4/5\4----9-9-----9-9-----77----4-2~-|
- ----------------------------------------------------------------|

[Riff 4] - [02:46] - [02:47]
[Riff 2 a + b] - [02:47] - [03:16]
[Riff 3 a + b] - [03:16] - [03:23]

[Riff 8] - [03:23] - [03:32]
- -------------------|
- -------------------|
- -------------------|
- -4-4-4-44----------|
- -2-2-2-22----------|
- -2-2-2-22-7*7*7*7*-|

[Riff 9] - [03:32] - [03:34]
- ----------|
- ----------|
- ----------|
- -4-4-4-44-|
- -2-2-2-22-|
- -2-2-2-22-|

4. Lying From You - [02:55] ------------------------------------------------
Tuning: C#G#C#F#A#D#

[Noise] - [00:00] - [00:11]

[Riff 1] - [00:10] - [00:11]
- ------|
- ------|
- ------|
- -xxxx-
- -xxxx-
- -xxxx-

[Riff 2] - [00:11] - [00:21]
- --------------------|
- --------------------|
- --------------------|
- -0-2-1-0-3-2-1-0-66-|
- -0-2-1-0-3-2-1-0-66-|
- -0-2-1-0-3-2-1-0-66-|

[Riff 3] - [00:21] - [00:24]
- --------------------|
- --------------------|
- --------------------|
- -0-2-1-0-3-2-1-xxxx-|
- -0-2-1-0-3-2-1-xxxx-|
- -0-2-1-0-3-2-1-xxxx-|

[Riff 4] - [00:24] - [00:42]
- -----------------------|
- -----------------------|
- --------7-7----22-22-2-|
- -2-2----7-7----44-44-4-|
- -2-2----5-5----00-00-0-|
- -2-2----5-5----00-00-0-|

[Riff 5] - [00:42] - [00:48]
- --------------------------|
- --------------------------|
- --------7-7-777-7---------|
- -2-2----7-7-777-7-77-77-7-|
- -2-2----5-5-555-5-99-99-9-|
- -2-2----5-5-555-5-77-77-7-|

[Riff 6] - [00:48] - [01:00]
- -----------------------------------------------------------------|
- -----1111111111\7777/999---------------------1111111111\7777/999-|
- -----x-x-x-x-x--xxxx-xxx-7-7-7-77-22-2-2-----x-x-x-x-x--xxxx-xxx-|
- -2-2-9-9-9-9-9-\5555/777-7-7-7-77-44-4-4-5-5-9-9-9-9-9-\5555/777-|
- -2-2---------------------5-5-5-55-00-0-0-3-3---------------------|
- -2-2---------------------5-5-5-55-00-0-0-5-5---------------------|


[Riff 7] - [01:00] - [01:12]
- -----------------------------------------------------------------|
- -----1111111111\7777/999---------------------1111111111\7777/999-|
- -----x-x-x-x-x--xxxx-xxx-7-7-7-77-22-2-2-----x-x-x-x-x--xxxx-xxx-|
- -2-2-9-9-9-9-9-\5555/777-7-7-7-77-44-4-4-5-5-9-9-9-9-9-\5555/777-|
- -2-2---------------------5-5-5-55-00-0-0-3-3---------------------|
- -2-2---------------------5-5-5-55-00-0-0-5-5---------------------|


[Riff 4] - [01:12] - [01:30]
[Riff 5] - [01:30] - [01:37]
[Riff 6] - [01:37] - [01:49]

[Riff 8] - [01:49] - [02:04]
- -----------------------------------------------------------------|
- -----1111111111\7777/999---------------------1111111111\7777/999-|
- -----x-x-x-x-x--xxxx-xxx-7-7-7-77-22-2-2-----x-x-x-x-x--xxxx-xxx-|
- -2-2-9-9-9-9-9-\5555/777-7-7-7-77-44-4-4-5-5-9-9-9-9-9-\5555/777-|
- -2-2---------------------5-5-5-55-00-0-0-3-3---------------------|
- -2-2---------------------5-5-5-55-00-0-0-5-5---------------------|


[Riff 2] - [02:04] - [02:13]
[Riff 3] - [02:13] - [02:16]
[Riff 2] - [02:16] - [02:25]
[Riff 3] - [02:25] - [02:28]
[Riff 6] - [02:28] - [02:40]

[Riff 9] - [02:40] - [02:55]
- -----------------------------------------------------------------|
- -----1111111111\7777/999---------------------1111111111\7777/999-|
- -----x-x-x-x-x--xxxx-xxx-7-7-7-77-22-2-2-----x-x-x-x-x--xxxx-xxx-|
- -2-2-9-9-9-9-9-\5555/777-7-7-7-77-44-4-4-5-5-9-9-9-9-9-\5555/777-|
- -2-2---------------------5-5-5-55-00-0-0-3-3---------------------|
- -2-2---------------------5-5-5-55-00-0-0-5-5---------------------|


5. Hit The Floor - [02:44] -------------------------------------------------
Tuning: C#G#C#F#A#D#

[Riff 1] - [00:00] - [00:11]
- ----------------|
- ----------------|
- ----------------|
- ----------------|
- ----------------|
- -0-4-0-1--1-1-0-|

[Riff 2] - [00:11] - [00:14]
- -------------------------|
- -------------------------|
- -------------------------|
- -----------------0-888-7-|
- -----------------0-888-7-|
- -0-4-0-1--1-1-0--0-888-7-|

[Riff 3] - [00:14] - [00:24]
- -------------------------|
- -------------------------|
- -------------------------|
- -0-4-0-1--1-1-0--0-888-7-|
- -0-4-0-1--1-1-0--0-888-7-|
- -0-4-0-1--1-1-0--0-888-7-|

[Riff 4] - [00:24] - [00:27]
- ----------------|
- ----------------|
- ----------------|
- -0-4-0-1--1-1-0-|
- -0-4-0-1--1-1-0-|
- -0-4-0-1--1-1-0-|

[Riff 1] - [00:27] - [00:50]
[Riff 2] - [00:50] - [00:54]
[Riff 3] - [00:54] - [01:05]
[Riff 1] - [01:05] - [01:32]
[Riff 2] - [01:32] - [01:35]
[Riff 3] - [01:35] - [01:48]

[Riff 4] - [01:48] - [02:01]
- ---------------------------|
- ---------------------------|
- -0-0-0-55~----0-0-0-33~----|
- -0-0-0-55~----0-0-0-33~----|
- -0-0-0-33~----0-0-0-11~----|
- -0-0-0-33~----0-0-0-11~----|
[ Tab from: ]
[Riff 1] - [02:01] - [02:13]
[Riff 3] - [02:13] - [02:27]
[Riff 4] - [02:27] - [02:40]
[Riff 3] - [02:40] - [02:44]

6. Easier To Run - [03:24] -------------------------------------------------
Tuning: C#G#C#F#A#D#

[Riff 1] - [00:00] - [00:23]
- -------------------------------|
- -12*---------------------------|
- -----------12*----12*----------|
- ----------------------------7*-|
- -----7*------------------------|
- --------7*------------9*-5*----|

[Riff 2a] - [00:23] - [00:42]
- ----------------------------|
- ----------------------------|
- ----------------------------|
- -2-2-2--5-5-5--7-7-7--4-4-4-|
- -2-2-2--3-3-3--5-5-5--2-2-2-|
- -2-2-2--5-5-5--7-7-7--4-4-4-|
[Riff 2b] - [00:23] - [00:47]
- ---------------------------------------|
- ---------------------------------------|
- -99999999-99999999-99999999-777777777~-|
- -xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx--|
- -77777777-77777777-77777777-555555555~-|
- ---------------------------------------|

[Riff 1] - [00:42] - [01:23]
[Riff 2 a + b] - [01:23] - [01:42]
[Riff 1] - [01:42] - [02:19]

[Riff 3a] - [02:19] - [02:38]
- ---------------------------------------------------------|
- ---------------------------------------------------------|
- ---------------------------------------------------------|
- -5-5-5--7-7-7--2-2-2--4-4-4--5-5-5--7-7-7--7-7-7--7-7-7--|
- -3-3-3--5-5-5--2-2-2--2-2-2--3-3-3--5-5-5--5-5-5--5-5-5--|
- -5-5-5--7-7-7--2-2-2--4-4-4--5-5-5--7-7-7--7-7-7--7-7-7--|
[Riff 3b] - [02:19] - [02:38]
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------|
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------|
- -99999999-99999999-99999999-77777777-99999999-99999999-99999999-77777777-|
- -xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-|
- -77777777-77777777-77777777-55555555-77777777-77777777-77777777-55555555-|
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------|

[Riff 2 a + b] - [02:38] - [03:05]

[Riff 4a] - [03:05] - [03:24]
- ------------------------------------------|
- ------------------------------------------|
- ------------------------------------------|
- -2-2-2--5-5-5--7-7-7--4-4-4--4-4-4--4-4-4-|
- -2-2-2--3-3-3--5-5-5--2-2-2--2-2-2--2-2-2-|
- -2-2-2--5-5-5--7-7-7--4-4-4--4-4-4--4-4-4-|
[Riff 4b] - [03:05] - [03:24]
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------|
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------|
- -99999999-99999999-99999999-77777777-1111111111111111-1111111111111111-|
- -xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x--x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x--|
- -77777777-77777777-77777777-55555555-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9--9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9--|
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------|

7. Faint - [02:42] ---------------------------------------------------------
Tuning: C#G#C#F#A#D#

[Noise] - [00:00] - [00:14]

[Riff 1] - [00:14] - [00:15]
- ------|
- ------|
- -7777-|
- -xxxx-
- -5555-|
- ------|

[Riff 2a] - [00:15] - [00:29]
- ---------------------------------------|
- ---------------------------------------|
- ----------55555555---------------------|
- -00000000-55555555-88888888-555-77-333-|
- -00000000-33333333-88888888-555-77-333-|
- -00000000-33333333-88888888-555-77-333-|
[Riff 2b] - [00:15] - [00:29]
- ------------------------------------|
- ------------------------------------|
- -777-1414-121212-121212-1414-101010-|
- -xxx-x-x--x-x-x--x-x-x--x-x--x-x-x--|
- -555-1212-101010-101010-1212-8-8-8--|
- ------------------------------------|

[Riff 3] - [00:29] - [00:47]
- ---
- ---
- ---
- -0-
- -0-
- -0-

[Riff 4] - [00:47] - [00:50]
- --------|
- --------|
- --------|
- -8----5-|
- -8----3-|
- -8----5-|

[Riff 1] - [00:50] - [00:51]
[Riff 2 a + b] - [00:51] - [01:07]
[Riff 3] - [01:07] - [01:25]
[Riff 4] - [01:25] - [01:30]
[Riff 2 a + b] - [01:30] - [01:46]

[Riff 5] - [01:46] - [02:00]
- -----------------------------|
- -----------------------------|
- -----------------------------|
- -0-2-3-2-3-2---0-0-2-3-2-3-2-|
- -0-0-3-2-3-2---0-0-0-3-2-3-2-|
- -0---3-2-3-2---0-0---3-2-3-2-|

[Noise] - [02:00] - [02:09]

[Riff 2 a + b] - [02:09] - [02:40]

[Riff 6a] - [02:40] - [02:42]
- -----|
- -----|
- -----|
- -111-|
- -111-|
- -111-|

[Riff 6b] - [02:40] - [02:42]
- -----|
- -----|
- -888-|
- -xxx-
- -666-|
- -----|

8. Figure.09 - [03:18] -----------------------------------------------------
Tuning: C#G#C#F#A#D#

[Riff 1] - [00:00] - [00:13]
- -------------------------------------------------------------------|
- -------------------------------------------------------------------|
- -------------------------------------------------------------------|
- -0t12*-0-3t15*-0t12*-0-3t15*-0t12*-0-3t15*-0t12*h1-0t12*h1-0t12*h1-|
- -------------------------------------------------------------------|
- -------------------------------------------------------------------|

I really dint kno how to write how to do this in tabb..
This part is weird. And you really dno what to do if you dno what i put
above lol. You have to tap the 12th fret and let go really quickly, so
that the open sound is produced and a natural harmonic on the 12th fret
comes out at the same time. Then hit open, and the hold the 3 and use the
same taping technique on the 15 so you hear the 3 and the 15 harmonic at
the same time. For the last part tap the 12 to get the right sound, then
simply hammer-on the first fret. No need to tap the hammerd on part. If you
still dont understand watch him play it live, and watch some covers on
youtube lol. Thats how i figured it out.

[Riff 2] - [00:13] - [00:14]
- ----------|
- ----------|
- ----------|
- -0111-101-|
- -0111-101-|
- -0111-101-|

[Riff 3] - [00:14] - [00:24]
- -------------------------------|
- -------------------------------|
- ------5------5------5----------|
- -0----5-0----5-0----5-0111-101-|
- -0----3-0----3-0----3-0111-101-|
- -0-5*-3-0-5*-3-0-5*-3-0111-101-|

[Riff 4] - [00:24] - [00:28]
- ------|
- ------|
- ------|
- -0----|
- -0----|
- -0-5*-|

[Riff 2] - [00:28] - [00:29]
[Riff 4] - [00:29] - [00:32]
[Riff 2] - [00:33] - [00:34]

[Riff 3] - [00:34] - [00:44]

[Riff 5] - [00:44] - [00:50]
- -------|
- -------|
- -------|
- -0-0-8-|
- -0-0-8-|
- -0-0-8-|

[Riff 6] - [00:50] - [01:04]
- --------------------|
- --------------------|
- -------10-----------|
- -0-0-8-10-0-3-3-5-7-|
- -0-0-8-8--0-3-3-5-7-|
- -0-0-8-8--0-3-3-5-7-|

[Riff 7] - [01:04] - [01:09]
- --------------------|
- --------------------|
- -------10-----------|
- -0-0-8-10-0-3-3-7-1-|
- -0-0-8-8--0-3-3-7-1-|
- -0-0-8-8--0-3-3-7-1-|

[Riff 3] - [01:09] - [01:14]
[Riff 4] - [01:14] - [01:18]
[Riff 2] - [01:18] - [01:19]
[Riff 4] - [01:19] - [01:23]
[Riff 2] - [01:23] - [01:24]
[Riff 3] - [01:24] - [01:34]
[Riff 5] - [01:34] - [01:39]
[Riff 6] - [01:39] - [01:53]

[Riff 8] - [01:53] - [02:00]
- --------------------------------------|
- --------------------------------------|
- -------10-----------------------------|
- -0-0-8-10-0-3-3-7-1-11111111-11111111-|
- -0-0-8-8--0-3-3-7-1-11111111-11111111-|
- -0-0-8-8--0-3-3-7-1-11111111-11111111-|

[Riff 1] - [02:00] - [02:10]
[Riff 2] - [02:10] - [02:11]

[Riff 9] - [02:11] - [02:28]
- -----------------------------------|
- -----------------------------------|
- -----------------------------------|
- -1-0-x-xx-013-----1-0-x-xx-013-----|
- -1-0-x-xx-013-----1-0-x-xx-013-----|
- -1-0-x-xx-013--4*-1-0-x-xx-013--5*-|

[Riff 10] - [02:28] - [02:31]
- -------------------|
- -------------------|
- -------------------|
- -1-0-x-xx-013-xxxx-|
- -1-0-x-xx-013-xxxx-|
- -1-0-x-xx-013-xxxx-|

[Riff 6] - [02:31] - [02:45]

[Riff 11] - [02:45] - [02:50]
- -------------------------|
- -------------------------|
- -------10----------------|
- -0-0-8-10-0-3-3-77777777-|
- -0-0-8-8--0-3-3-77777777-|
- -0-0-8-8--0-3-3-77777777-|

[Riff 6] - [02:50] - [03:05]
[Riff 8] - [03:05] - [03:18]

9. Breaking The Habit - [03:16] --------------------------------------------
Tuning: C#G#C#F#A#D#

[Noise] - [00:00] - [00:09]

[Riff 1] - [00:09] - [00:48]
- --------------------------------|
- --------------------------------|
- --------------------------------|
- -10-x-13x-1010--10-x-11p10-1010-|
- --------------------------------|
- --------------------------------|

[Riff 2] - [00:48] - [01:13]
- --------------|
- --------------|
- ------8--8-10-|
- ---10---------|
- -8------------|
- --------------|

[Riff 1] - [01:13] - [01:46]
[Riff 2] - [01:46] - [02:59]
[Noise] - [02:59] - [03:16]

10. From The Inside - [02:56] ----------------------------------------------
Tuning: C#G#C#F#A#D#

[Riff 1] - [00:00] - [00:22]
- ---------------------------------------------------------|
- ---------------------------------------------------------|
- ---------------------------------------------------------|
- -00-0-0-00-0-0-33-3-3-33-3-3-88-8-8-88-8-8-55-5-5-77-7-7-|
- -00-0-0-00-0-0-33-3-3-33-3-3-88-8-8-88-8-8-55-5-5-77-7-7-|
- -00-0-0-00-0-0-33-3-3-33-3-3-88-8-8-88-8-8-55-5-5-77-7-7-|

[Noise] - [00:22] - [00:52]

[Riff 2] - [00:52] - [00:53]
- ----------|
- ----------|
- ----------|
- ----------|
- ----------|
- -5*5*5*5*-|

[Riff 1] - [00:53] - [01:08]
[Noise] - [01:08] - [01:37]
[Riff 2] - [01:38] - [01:39]
[Riff 1] - [01:39] - [01:47]

[Riff 3] - [01:47] - [01:54]
- ---------------------------------------------------------|
- ---------------------------------------------------------|
- ---------------------------------------------------------|
- -00-0-0-00-0-0-33-3-3-33-3-3-88-8-8-88-8-8-77-7-7-77-7-7-|
- -00-0-0-00-0-0-33-3-3-33-3-3-88-8-8-88-8-8-77-7-7-77-7-7-|
- -00-0-0-00-0-0-33-3-3-33-3-3-88-8-8-88-8-8-77-7-7-77-7-7-|

[Riff 4] - [01:54] - [02:01]
- -----------------------------|
- -----------------------------|
- -----------------------------|
- -00-0-0-00-0-0-00-0-0-11-1-1-|
- -00-0-0-00-0-0-00-0-0-11-1-1-|
- -00-0-0-00-0-0-00-0-0-11-1-1-|

[Riff 5] - [02:01] - [02:17]
- --------------------------------------------------------|
- --------------------------------------------------------|
- --------------------------------------------------------|
- -00-0-0----0-1-00-0-0----0-1-00-0-0----0-1-11-1-111-1-1-|
- -00-0-0-7*-0-1-00-0-0-7*-0-1-00-0-0-7*-0-1-11-1-111-1-1-|
- -00-0-0----0-1-00-0-0----0-1-00-0-0----0-1-11-1-111-1-1-|

[Riff 6] - [02:17] - [02:25]
- ---------------------------------------------------------|
- ---------------------------------------------------------|
- ---------------------------------------------------------|
- -----------------------------88-8-8-88-8-8-55-5-5-77-7-7-|
- -----------------------------88-8-8-88-8-8-55-5-5-77-7-7-|
- -----------------------------88-8-8-88-8-8-55-5-5-77-7-7-|

[Riff 1] - [02:25] - [02:40]
[Riff 3] - [02:40] - [02:47]

[Riff 7] - [02:47] - [02:56]
- --------|
- --------|
- --------|
- -00-0-0-|
- -00-0-0-|
- -00-0-0-|

11. Nobody's Listening - [02:59] -------------------------------------------
Tuning: C#G#C#F#A#D#

[Noise] - [00:00] - [00:38]

[Riff 1] - [00:38] - [00:57]
- ---------------------------------------|
- ---------------------------------------|
- ---------------------------------------|
- -1-1-1-1---2-2--2-2--1-1-1-1--6-6--2-2-|
- -1-1-1-1---2-2--2-2--1-1-1-1--4-4--2-2-|
- -1-1-1-1---2-2--2-2--1-1-1-1--6-6--2-2-|
PM .....................................

[Noise] - [00:57] - [01:27]
[Riff 1] - [01:27] - [01:46]
[Noise] - [01:46] - [02:11]

[Riff 2] - [02:11] - [02:50]
- --------------------|
- --------------------|
- --------------------|
- -1-1-1-1--------2-2-|
- -1-1-1-1--------2-2-|
- -1-1-1-1--------2-2-|
PM ..................

[Noise] - [02:50] - [02:59]

12. Session - [02:25] ------------------------------------------------------

13. Numb - [03:08] ---------------------------------------------------------
Tuning: C#G#C#F#A#D#

[Noise] - [00:00] - [00:12]

[Riff 1] - [00:12] - [00:21]
- ---------|
- ---------|
- -------5-|
- -5-1-3-5-|
- -5-1-1-3-|
- -5-1-3-3-|

[Noise] - [00:21] - [00:51]
[Riff 1] - [00:51] - [01:09]
[Noise] - [01:09] - [01:43]
[Riff 1] - [01:43] - [02:01]

[Riff 2] - [02:01] - [02:22]
- -----------------------------|
- -----------------------------|
- ----5-------------5----------|
- -1--5--5-7-8-0-1--5--0--0--0-|
- -1--3--5-7-8-0-1--3--0--0--0-|
- -1--3--5-7-8-0-1--3--0--0--0-|

[Riff 1] - [02:22] - [02:57]
[Noise] - [02:57] - [03:08]

Symbols --------------------------------------------------------------------

PM... (Palm Mute the notes with Dots under them)
x     (Dead Note)
/     (Slide Up)
b     (Bend String)
r     (Release Bent String)
*     (Harmonic Note)
\     (Slide Down)
t     (Tap, thers a better explanation the only time this symbol applies.)


plz rate! and comment! but dont rate and not comment :P then i dno what
im doin right or wrong! hahah
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