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SONG LISTED BELOW IN VARIOUS KEYS Hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ...Garry Smythe Please e mail any corrections to:- g.smythe@sky.com ========================================================================== Blue Ann Rimes ========================================================================== LeAnne sings this in the key of “ A “ ========================================================================== CHORUS A C#7 F#7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you B7 E7 A E7 Why can't you be blue over me A C#7 F#7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you B7 E7 A D A Tears fill my eyes till I can't see VERSE 1 C#7 F#7 Three O'clock in the morning here am I B7 E7 Sitting here so lonely so lonesome I could cry A C#7 F#7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you B7 E7 A D A Why can't you be blue over me INSTRUMENTAL A C#7 F#7 B7 E7 A E7 VERSE 2 C#7 F#7 Now that's it over I realized B7 Those love words you whispered E7 Were nothing but lies CHORUS WITH KEY CHANGE A# D7 G7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you C7 F7 A# Why can't you be blue over me C7 F7 A# Why can't you be blue over me XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHORUS G B7 E7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you A7 D7 G D7 Why can't you be blue over me G B7 E7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you A7 D7 G C G Tears fill my eyes till I can't see VERSE 1 B7 E7 Three O'clock in the morning here am I A7 D7 Sitting here so lonely so lonesome I could cry G B7 E7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you A7 D7 G C G Why can't you be blue over me INSTRUMENTAL G B7 E7 A7 D7 G D7 VERSE 2 B7 E7 Now that's it over I realized A7 Those love words you whispered D7 Were nothing but lies CHORUS WITH KEY CHANGE G# C7 F7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you A#7 D#7 G# Why can't you be blue over me A#7 D#7 G# Why can't you be blue over me XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHORUS C E7 A7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you D7 G7 C G7 Why can't you be blue over me C E7 A7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you D7 G7 C F C Tears fill my eyes till I can't see VERSE 1 E7 A7 Three O'clock in the morning here am I D7 G7 Sitting here so lonely so lonesome I could cry C E7 A7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you D7 G7 C F C Why can't you be blue over me INSTRUMENTAL C E7 A7 D7 G7 C G7 VERSE 2 E7 A7 Now that's it over I realized D7 Those love words you whispered G7 Were nothing but lies CHORUS WITH KEY CHANGE [ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/l/leann-rimes/334672.html ] C# F7 A#7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you D#7 G#7 C# Why can't you be blue over me D#7 G#7 C# Why can't you be blue over me XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHORUS D F#7 B7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you E7 A7 D A7 Why can't you be blue over me D F#7 B7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you E7 A7 D G D Tears fill my eyes till I can't see VERSE 1 F#7 B7 Three O'clock in the morning here am I E7 A7 Sitting here so lonely so lonesome I could cry D F#7 B7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you E7 A7 D G D Why can't you be blue over me INSTRUMENTAL D F#7 B7 E7 A7 D A7 VERSE 2 F#7 B7 Now that's it over I realized E7 Those love words you whispered A7 Were nothing but lies CHORUS WITH KEY CHANGE D# G7 C7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you F7 A#7 D# Why can't you be blue over me F7 A#7 D# Why can't you be blue over me XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHORUS Eb G7 C7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you F7 Bb7 Eb Bb7 Why can't you be blue over me Eb G7 C7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you F7 Bb7 Eb Ab Eb Tears fill my eyes till I can't see VERSE 1 G7 C7 Three O'clock in the morning here am I F7 Bb7 Sitting here so lonely so lonesome I could cry Eb G7 C7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you F7 Bb7 Eb Ab Eb Why can't you be blue over me INSTRUMENTAL Eb G7 C7 F7 Bb7 Eb Bb7 VERSE 2 G7 C7 Now that's it over I realized F7 Those love words you whispered Bb7 Were nothing but lies CHORUS WITH KEY CHANGE E Ab7 Db7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you Gb7 B7 E Why can't you be blue over me Gb7 B7 E Why can't you be blue over me XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHORUS F A7 D7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you G7 C7 F C7 Why can't you be blue over me F A7 D7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you G7 C7 F Bb F Tears fill my eyes till I can't see VERSE 1 A7 D7 Three O'clock in the morning here am I G7 C7 Sitting here so lonely so lonesome I could cry F A7 D7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you G7 C7 F Bb F Why can't you be blue over me INSTRUMENTAL F A7 D7 G7 C7 F C7 VERSE 2 A7 D7 Now that's it over I realized G7 Those love words you whispered C7 Were nothing but lies CHORUS WITH KEY CHANGE Gb Bb7 Eb7 Blue oo oo oo oo oh so lonesome for you Ab7 Db7 Gb Why can't you be blue over me Ab7 Db7 Gb Why can't you be blue over me 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