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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Iron And Wine - Winter Prayers chords

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Artist: Iron & Wine
Song: Winter Prayers
Album: Ghost on Ghost
Tabbed by: Blazn Blue

I made this tab because the other ones on here have a few wrong chords as well as wrong lyrics.
These lyrics are straight from the liner notes, and the chords have been taken from the 
KEXP performance.

As usual with Sam Beam, he embellishes with hammer-ons and pull-offs. If you watch the 
live performance, you can get a good idea of these.

Standard Tuning
Capo II

Verse 1:
Am                 Dm          Dsus2
Well its cold, and you're bored
G                               E
From counting the smart cars on 94
Am                     Dm      Dsus2
When you dream you're back home
G                                   E
But the lakeside don't trust you to walk alone

   Am               Dm    Dsus2
Hollow trees, talk offhand
G                              E
All the neckties are toasting with empty cans
Am                 Dm    Dsus2
And you know why she's gone
G                              E
Like the clothes in the river, drifting on
[ Tab from: ]
Dm         G
Slide down south
Cause once in a while your confidence leaves you
   Dm            G       Am  E
Like smoke falls out her red mouth

Am Dm Dsus G E
(play twice with ooh's and aah's)

Verse 2:
Am                    Dm  Dsus2
Well she left you the holes
G                               E
The tracks in the back yard, December snow
Am               Dm    Dsus2
But those sad souvenirs
G                               E
They end at the fence line, and disappear

Am                   Dm   Dsus2
Why you'd follow her there?
G                          E
Milwaukee's a deaf ear for winter prayers
Am                        Dm   Dsus2
There's no night, there's no day
G                                  E
With only hope in your pocket, and hell to pay

Dm         G
Slide down south
Cause once in a while your confidence leaves you
   Dm            G       Am  E
Like smoke falls out her red mouth

Am Dm Dsus2 G E
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