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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Haunted - Undead tab

                         THE HAUNTED - UNDEAD
                         From the Album THE HAUNTED
                         Copyright 1998 Earache Records
                           Version 1.0 - March 1999
Transcribed by: LALITH VIPULANANTHAN (Count Zero)
Check Out 's Home Page, With More Transcriptions And Tabs On It:

.  - palm mute                /  - slide up to         
\  - slide down to            ~  - vibrato             
h  - hammer on                b  - bend 
p  - pull off                 Suffixes for bend    
t  - tap with fin             f - full bend    h - half bend
*  - see comment              r - release      t - tap bend
X  - percussion mute          ~ - vibrato bend
"  - tremelo note             () - ghost note, sustained note

Tuning: Eb (in otherwords, all strings down 0.5 steps)

|------------------------10-------------|	Gtr 1
     ....   ....   ....         ....

  Riff A
|------------------------10----------------9--------|	Gtrs 1+2
     ....   ....   ....         ....   .... .. ...
Repeat A

Riff B (verse)
|--------------------------------------|	Gtrs 1+2
     ..   ..   ......   ..  .. ......  

Repeat B

[ Tab from: ]
Riff C (chorus)
|-----------------------------------------------------------| Gtrs 1+2

Repeat C
Repeat A X2
Repeat B X2
Repeat C X2

Fill 1
|-----------| Gtrs 1+2
  .... ....							 

Riff E1
|--------------------------------------|	Gtrs 1+2
|---------------------------random fill-----------|

Repeat E1

Riff E2 
|-------------------------------------------------|	Gtrs 1+2
   .. .. ..    .. ..........   .. .. ..

Repeat E2 (Gtr 2 only under solo)

Riff F1
|-------------------------------------------|	Gtr 2
   .... . .  .... . .  .... . .  .... . .

Riff F2
|-------------------------------------------|	Gtr 2
   .... . .  .... . .  .... . .  .... . .

Repeat F1+F2

Bridge to verse
|--------------------------| Gtrs 1+2
|-7---6-387---Pick slide---|

|------------------| Gtrs 1+2

Repeat B X2
Repeat C X2


|--------------------------| Gtrs 1+2
  ... ... ... ... ... ....
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